Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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disease which can lead to Alzheimer’s and other forms of

neurogenerative disease while others have pointed out the potential

to affect the placenta in ways that make women infertile. This will

become highly significant in the next chapter when I will discuss

other aspects of this non-vaccine that relate to its nanotechnology

and transmission from the injected to the uninjected.

Qualified in idiocy

Tenpenny describes how research has confirmed that these ‘vaccine’-

generated antibodies can interact with a range of other tissues in the

body and a ack many other organs including the lungs. ‘This means

that if you have a hundred people standing in front of you that all

got this shot they could have a hundred different symptoms.’

Anyone really think that Cult gofers like the Queen, Tony Blair,

Christopher Whi y, Anthony Fauci, and all the other psychopaths

have really had this ‘vaccine’ in the pictures we’ve seen? Not a

bloody chance. Why don’t doctors all tell us about all these dangers

and consequences of the ‘Covid vaccine’? Why instead do they

encourage and pressure patients to have the shot? Don’t let’s think

for a moment that doctors and medical staff can’t be stupid, lazy, and

psychopathic and that’s without the financial incentives to give the

jab. Tenpenny again:

Some people are going to die from the vaccine directly but a large number of people are

going to start to get horribly sick and get all kinds of autoimmune diseases 42 days to maybe a

year out. What are they going to do, these stupid doctors who say; ‘Good for you for getting

that vaccine.’ What are they going to say; ‘Oh, it must be a mutant, we need to give an extra

dose of that vaccine.’

Because now the vaccine, instead of one dose or two doses we need three or four because the

stupid physicians aren’t taking the time to learn anything about it. If I can learn this sitting in

my living room reading a 19 page paper and several others so can they. There’s nothing

special about me, I just take the time to do it.

Remember how Sara Kayat, the NHS and TV doctor, said that the

‘Covid vaccine’ would ‘100 percent prevent hospitalisation and

death’. Doctors can be idiots like every other profession and they

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