Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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392 Chapter 7: Control of Gene Expression

Although chromosomes are organized into orderly domains that discourage

control regions from acting indiscriminately, there are special circumstances

where a control region located on one chromosome has been found to activate

a gene located on a different chromosome. Although there is much we do not

understand about this mechanism, it indicates the extreme versatility of transcriptional

regulation strategies.


Transcription regulators switch the transcription of individual genes on and off in

cells. In prokaryotes, these proteins typically bind to specific DNA sequences close

to the RNA polymerase start site and, depending on the nature of the regulatory

protein and the precise location of its binding site relative to the start site, either

activate or repress transcription of the gene. The flexibility of the DNA helix, however,

also allows proteins bound at distant sites to affect the RNA polymerase at

the promoter by the looping out of the intervening DNA. The regulation of higher

eukaryotic genes is much more complex, commensurate with a larger genome size

and the large variety of cell types that are formed. A single eukaryotic gene is typically

controlled by many transcription regulators bound to sequences that can

be tens or even hundreds of thousands of nucleotide pairs from the promoter that

directs transcription of the gene. Eukaryotic activators and repressors act by a wide

variety of mechanisms—generally altering chromatin structure and controlling the

assembly of the general transcription factors and RNA polymerase at the promoter.

They do this by attracting coactivators and co-repressors, protein complexes that

perform the necessary biochemical reactions. The time and place that each gene

is transcribed, as well as its rates of transcription under different conditions, are

determined by the particular spectrum of transcription regulators that bind to the

regulatory region of the gene.



Although all cells must be able to switch genes on and off in response to changes

in their environments, the cells of multicellular organisms have evolved this

capacity to an extreme degree. In particular, once a cell in a multicellular organism

becomes committed to differentiate into a specific cell type, the cell maintains

this choice through many subsequent cell generations, which means that

it remembers the changes in gene expression involved in the choice. This phenomenon

of cell memory is a prerequisite for the creation of organized tissues and

for the maintenance of stably differentiated cell types. In contrast, other changes

in gene expression in eukaryotes, as well as most such changes in bacteria, are

only transient. The tryptophan repressor, for example, switches off the tryptophan

genes in bacteria only in the presence of tryptophan; as soon as tryptophan is

removed from the medium, the genes are switched back on, and the descendants

of the cell will have no memory that their ancestors had been exposed to tryptophan.

In this section, we shall examine not only cell memory mechanisms, but

also how gene regulatory devices can be combined to create the “logic circuits”

through which cells integrate signals and remember events in their past. We begin

by considering one such complex gene control region in detail.

Complex Genetic Switches That Regulate Drosophila

Development Are Built Up from Smaller Molecules

We have seen that transcription regulators can be positioned at multiple sites

along long stretches of DNA and that these proteins can bring into play coactivators

and co-repressors. Here, we discuss how the numerous transcription regulators

that are bound to the control region of a gene can cause the gene to be

transcribed at the proper place and time.

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