Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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190 Chapter 4: DNA, Chromosomes, and Genomes

core. The bending requires a substantial compression of the minor groove of the

DNA helix. Certain dinucleotides in the minor groove are especially easy to compress,

and some nucleotide sequences bind the nucleosome more tightly than

others (Figure 4–25). This probably explains some striking, but unusual, cases

of very precise positioning of nucleosomes along a stretch of DNA. However, the

sequence preference of nucleosomes must be weak enough to allow other factors

to dominate, inasmuch as nucleosomes can occupy any one of a number of positions

relative to the DNA sequence in most chromosomal regions.

In addition to its histone fold, each of the core histones has an N-terminal

amino acid “tail,” which extends out from the DNA–histone core (see Figure

4–24D). These histone tails are subject to several different types of covalent modifications

that in turn control critical aspects of chromatin structure and function,

as we shall discuss shortly.

As a reflection of their fundamental role in DNA function through controlling

chromatin structure, the histones are among the most highly conserved eukaryotic

proteins. For example, the amino acid sequence of histone H4 from a pea

differs from that of a cow at only 2 of the 102 positions. This strong evolutionary

conservation suggests that the functions of histones involve nearly all of their

amino acids, so that a change in any position is deleterious to the cell. But in addition

to this remarkable conservation, eukaryotic organisms also produce smaller

amounts of specialized variant core histones that differ in amino acid sequence

from the main ones. As discussed later, these variants, combined with the surprisingly

large number of covalent modifications that can be added to the histones in

nucleosomes, give rise to a variety of chromatin structures in cells.

Nucleosomes Have a Dynamic Structure, and Are Frequently

Subjected to Changes Catalyzed by ATP-Dependent Chromatin

Remodeling Complexes

For many years biologists thought that, once formed in a particular position on

DNA, a nucleosome would remain fixed in place because of the very tight association

between its core histones and DNA. If true, this would pose problems for

genetic readout mechanisms, which in principle require easy access to many

specific DNA sequences. It would also hinder the rapid passage of the DNA transcription

and replication machinery through chromatin. But kinetic experiments

show that the DNA in an isolated nucleosome unwraps from each end at a rate of

about four times per second, remaining exposed for 10 to 50 milliseconds before

the partially unwrapped structure recloses. Thus, most of the DNA in an isolated

nucleosome is in principle available for binding other proteins.

For the chromatin in a cell, a further loosening of DNA–histone contacts is

clearly required, because eukaryotic cells contain a large variety of ATP-dependent

chromatin remodeling complexes. These complexes include a subunit that

hydrolyzes ATP (an ATPase evolutionarily related to the DNA helicases discussed

in Chapter 5). This subunit binds both to the protein core of the nucleosome and

to the double-stranded DNA that winds around it. By using the energy of ATP

hydrolysis to move this DNA relative to the core, the protein complex changes the

structure of a nucleosome temporarily, making the DNA less tightly bound to the

histone core. Through repeated cycles of ATP hydrolysis that pull the nucleosome

core along the DNA double helix, the remodeling complexes can catalyze nucleosome

sliding. In this way, they can reposition nucleosomes to expose specific

regions of DNA, thereby making them available to other proteins in the cell (Figure

4–26). In addition, by cooperating with a variety of other proteins that bind to

histones and serve as histone chaperones, some remodeling complexes are able to

remove either all or part of the nucleosome core from a nucleosome—catalyzing

either an exchange of its H2A–H2B histones, or the complete removal of the octameric

core from the DNA (Figure 4–27). As a result of such processes, measurements

reveal that a typical nucleosome is replaced on the DNA every one or two

hours inside the cell.

AA, TT, and TA dinucleotides

preferred here

(minor groove inside)

histone core

of nucleosome

(histone octamer)

G-C preferred here

(minor groove outside)

MBoC6 m4.27/4.24

DNA of


Figure 4–25 The bending of DNA in a

nucleosome. The DNA helix makes

1.7 tight turns around the histone octamer.

This diagram illustrates how the minor

groove is compressed on the inside of the

turn. Owing to structural features of the

DNA molecule, the indicated dinucleotides

are preferentially accommodated in such

a narrow minor groove, which helps to

explain why certain DNA sequences

will bind more tightly than others to the

nucleosome core.

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