Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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active (+ P )

inactive (– P)


% active

MAP kinase




– +

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10

progesterone (µM)



0.03 µM progesterone

0.1 µM progesterone

0.3 µM progesterone

Figure Q15–3 Activation

of frog oocytes

(Problem 15–14).

(A) Phosphorylation

of MAP kinase in

pooled oocytes.

(B) Phosphorylation of

MAP kinase in individual

oocytes. MAP kinase

was detected by

immunoblotting using

a MAP-kinase-specific

antibody. The first two

lanes in each gel contain


inactive MAP kinase (–)

and phosphorylated,

active MAP kinase (+).

(From J.E. Ferrell, Jr., and

E.M. Machleder, Science

280:895–898, 1998.

With permission from


Before you crushed the oocytes, you noticed that not all

oocytes in individual dishes had white spots. Had some

oocytes undergone partial activation and not yet reached

the white-spot stage? To answer this question, you repeat

the experiment, Problems but this p15.11/15.18

time you analyze MAP kinase activation

in individual oocytes. You are surprised to find that

each oocyte has either a fully activated or a completely

inactive MAP kinase (Figure Q15–3B). How can an all-ornone

response in individual oocytes give rise to a graded

response in the population?

15–15 Propose specific types of mutations in the gene for

the regulatory subunit of cyclic-AMP-dependent protein

kinase (PKA) that could lead to either a permanently active

PKA or a permanently inactive PKA.

15–16 Phosphorylase kinase integrates signals from the

cyclic-AMP-dependent and Ca 2+ -dependent signaling

pathways that control glycogen breakdown in liver and

muscle cells (Figure Q15–4). Phosphorylase kinase is composed

of four subunits. One is the protein kinase that catalyzes

the addition of phosphate to glycogen phosphorylase

to activate it for glycogen breakdown. The other three subunits

are regulatory proteins that control the activity of the

phosphorylase kinase



Ca 2+

Ca 2+

Ca 2+

phosphorylase kinase


Figure Q15–4 Integration of cyclic-AMP-dependent and Ca 2+ -

dependent signaling pathways by phosphorylase kinase in liver and

muscle cells (Problem 15–16).

catalytic subunit. Two contain sites for phosphorylation by

PKA, which is Problems activated by pQ15.04/Q15.04

cyclic AMP. The remaining subunit

is calmodulin, which binds Ca 2+ when the cytosolic

Ca 2+ concentration rises. The regulatory subunits control

the equilibrium between the active and inactive conformations

of the catalytic subunit, with each phosphate and

Ca 2+ nudging the equilibrium toward the active conformation.

How does this arrangement allow phosphorylase

kinase to serve its role as an integrator protein for the multiple

pathways that stimulate glycogen breakdown?

15–17 The Wnt planar polarity signaling pathway normally

ensures that each wing cell in Drosophila has a single

hair. Overexpression of the Frizzled gene from a heatshock

promoter (hs-Fz) causes multiple hairs to grow from

many cells (Figure Q15–5A). This phenotype is suppressed

if hs-Fz is combined with a heterozygous deletion (Dsh Δ )

of the Dishevelled gene (Figure Q15–5B). Do these results

allow you to order the action of Frizzled and Dishevelled

in the signaling pathway? If so, what is the order? Explain

your reasoning.


hs-Fz / +

+ / +

Figure Q15–5 Pattern of hair growth on wing cells in genetically

different Drosophila (Problem 15–17). (From C.G. Winter et al., Cell

105:81–91, 2001. With permission from Elsevier.)



hs-Fz / +

Dsh ∆ / +




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