Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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All these different approaches are needed. The messaging also

needs to take account of the realities of different people’s lives.

Messaging needs to take account of the different motivational

levers and circumstances of different people.

All this could be achieved the SPI-B psychologists said by using the

media to increase the sense of personal threat which translates as terrify

the shit out of the population, including children, so they all do what

we want. That’s not happened has it? Those excuses for ‘journalists’

who wouldn’t know journalism if it bit them on the arse (the great

majority) have played their crucial part in serving this Cultgovernment

Psyop to enslave their own kids and grandkids. How

they live with themselves I have no idea. The psychological war has

been underpinned by constant government ‘Covid’ propaganda in

almost every television and radio ad break, plus the Internet and

print media, which has pounded out the fear with taxpayers footing

the bill for their own programming. The result has been people

terrified of a ‘virus’ that doesn’t exist or one with a tiny fatality rate

even if you believe it does. People walk down the street and around

the shops wearing face-nappies damaging their health and

psychology while others report those who refuse to be that naïve to

the police who turn up in their own face-nappies. I had a cameraman

come to my flat and he was so frightened of ‘Covid’ he came in

wearing a mask and refused to shake my hand in case he caught

something. He had – naïveitis – and the thought that he worked in

the mainstream media was both depressing and made his behaviour

perfectly explainable. The fear which has gripped the minds of so

many and frozen them into compliance has been carefully cultivated

by these psychologists who are really psychopaths. If lives get

destroyed and a lot of young people commit suicide it shows our

plan is working. SPI-B then turned to compulsion on the public to

comply. ‘With adequate preparation, rapid change can be achieved’,

it said. Some countries had introduced mandatory self-isolation on a

wide scale without evidence of major public unrest and a large

majority of the UK’s population appeared to be supportive of more

coercive measures with 64 percent of adults saying they would

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