Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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government and elite mendacity. Manning was isolated in solitary

confinement for eight months, put under 24-hour surveillance,

forced to hand over clothing before going to bed, and stand naked

for every roll call. This is systematic humiliation. The introduction of

anal swab ‘Covid’ tests in China has been done for the same reason

to delete self-respect and induce compliant submission. Anal swabs

are mandatory for incoming passengers in parts of China and

American diplomats have said they were forced to undergo the

indignity which would have been calculated humiliation by the

Cult-owned Chinese government that has America in its sights.

Government-people: An abusive relationship

Spirit-breaking psychological techniques include giving people hope

and apparent respite from tyranny only to take it away again. This

happened in the UK during Christmas, 2020, when the psychopsychologists

and their political lackeys announced an easing of

restrictions over the holiday only to reimpose them almost

immediately on the basis of yet another lie. There is a big

psychological difference between ge ing used to oppression and

being given hope of relief only to have that dashed. Psychologists

know this and we have seen the technique used repeatedly. Then

there is traumatising people before you introduce more extreme

regulations that require compliance. A perfect case was the

announcement by the dark and sinister Whi y and Vallance in the

UK that ‘new data’ predicted that 4,000 could die every day over the

winter of 2020/2021 if we did not lockdown again. I think they call it

lying and a er traumatising people with that claim out came

Jackboot Johnson the next day with new curbs on human freedom.

Psychologists know that a frightened and traumatised mind

becomes suggestable to submission and behaviour reframing.

Underpinning all this has been to make people fearful and

suspicious of each other and see themselves as a potential danger to

others. In league with deleted self-respect you have the perfect

psychological recipe for self-loathing. The relationship between

authority and public is now demonstrably the same as that of

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