Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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obviously affects breathing and would be dubbed ‘Covid-19’. Even

more sinister was the impact of ‘antibodies’ on macrophages, a white

blood cell of the immune system. They consist of Type 1 and Type 2

which have very different functions. She said Type 1 are ‘hypervigilant’

white blood cells which ‘gobble up’ bacteria etc. However,

in doing so, this could cause inflammation and in extreme

circumstances be fatal. She says these affects are mitigated by Type 2

macrophages which kick in to calm down the system and stop it

going rogue. They clear up dead tissue debris and reduce

inflammation that the Type 1 ‘fire crews’ have caused. Type 1 kills

the infection and Type 2 heals the damage, she says. This is her

punchline with regard to ‘Covid vaccinations’: She says that mRNA

‘antibodies’ block Type 2 macrophages by a aching to them and

deactivating them. This meant that when the Type 1 response was

triggered by infection there was nothing to stop that ge ing out of

hand by calming everything down. There’s an on-switch, but no offswitch,

she says. What follows can be ‘over and out, see you when I

see you’.

Genetic suicide

Tenpenny also highlights the potential for autoimmune disease – the

body a acking itself – which has been associated with vaccines since

they first appeared. Infusing a synthetic foreign substance into cells

could cause the immune system to react in a panic believing that the

body is being overwhelmed by an invader (it is) and the

consequences can again be fatal. There is an autoimmune response

known as a ‘cytokine storm’ which I have likened to a homeowner

panicked by an intruder and picking up a gun to shoot randomly in

all directions before turning the fire on himself. The immune system

unleashes a storm of inflammatory response called cytokines to a

threat and the body commits hara-kiri. The lesson is that you mess

with the body’s immune response at your peril and these ‘vaccines’

seriously – fundamentally – mess with immune response. Tenpenny

refers to a consequence called anaphylactic shock which is a severe

and highly dangerous allergic reaction when the immune system

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