Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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respect, always has been, always will be. It is self-respect that has

broken every tyranny in history. By its very nature self-respect will

not bow to oppression and its perpetrators. There is so li le selfrespect

that it’s always the few that overturn dictators. Many may

eventually follow, but the few with the iron spines (self-respect) kick

it off and generate the momentum. The Cult targets self-respect in

the knowledge that once this has gone only submission remains.

Crazy, contradictory, ever-changing ‘Covid’ rules are systematically

applied by psychologists to delete self-respect. They want you to see

that the rules make no sense. It is one thing to decide to do

something when you have made the choice based on evidence and

logic. You still retain your self-respect. It is quite another when you

can see what you are being told to do is insane, ridiculous and

makes no sense, and yet you still do it. Your self-respect is

extinguished and this has been happening as ever more obviously

stupid and nonsensical things have been demanded and the great

majority have complied even when they can see they are stupid and


People walk around in face-nappies knowing they are damaging

their health and make no difference to a ‘virus’. They do it in fear of

not doing it. I know it’s da , but I’ll do it anyway. When that

happens something dies inside of you and submissive reframing has

begun. Next there’s a need to hide from yourself that you have

conceded your self-respect and you convince yourself that you have

not really submi ed to fear and intimidation. You begin to believe

that you are complying with craziness because it’s the right thing to

do. When first you concede your self-respect of 2+2 = 4 to 2+2 = 5 you

know you are compromising your self-respect. Gradually to avoid

facing that fact you begin to believe that 2+2=5. You have been

reframed and I have been watching this process happening in the

human psyche on an industrial scale. The Cult is working to break

your spirit and one of its major tools in that war is humiliation. I

read how former American soldier Bradley Manning (later Chelsea

Manning a er a sex-change) was treated a er being jailed for

supplying WikiLeaks with documents exposing the enormity of

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