Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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The reality that humanity thinks is so real is an illusion. Politicians,

governments, scientists, doctors, academics, law enforcement,

media, school and university curriculums, on and on, are all

founded on a world that does not exist except as a simulated prison

cell. Is it such a stretch to accept that ‘Covid’ doesn’t exist when our

entire ‘physical’ reality doesn’t exist? Revealed here is the

knowledge kept under raps in the Cult networks of

compartmentalised secrecy to control humanity’s sense of reality by

inducing the population to believe in a reality that’s not real. If it

wasn’t so tragic in its experiential consequences the whole thing

would be hysterically funny. None of this is new to Renegade Minds.

Ancient Greek philosopher Plato (about 428 to about 347BC) was a

major influence on Gnostic belief and he described the human plight

thousands of years ago with his Allegory of the Cave. He told the

symbolic story of prisoners living in a cave who had never been

outside. They were chained and could only see one wall of the cave

while behind them was a fire that they could not see. Figures walked

past the fire casting shadows on the prisoners’ wall and those

moving shadows became their sense of reality. Some prisoners began

to study the shadows and were considered experts on them (today’s

academics and scientists), but what they studied was only an illusion

(today’s academics and scientists). A prisoner escaped from the cave

and saw reality as it really is. When he returned to report this

revelation they didn’t believe him, called him mad and threatened to

kill him if he tried to set them free. Plato’s tale is not only a brilliant

analogy of the human plight and our illusory reality. It describes,

too, the dynamics of the ‘Covid’ hoax. I have only skimmed the

surface of these subjects here. The aim of this book is to crisply

connect all essential dots to put what is happening today into its true

context. All subject areas and their connections in this chapter are

covered in great evidential detail in Everything You Need To Know,

But Have Never Been Told and The Answer.

They say that bewildered people ‘can’t see the forest for the trees’.

Humanity, however, can’t see the forest for the twigs. The five senses

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