Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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366 Chapter 6: How Cells Read the Genome: From DNA to Protein

in the chemical differences between them. Ribose, like glucose and other simple

carbohydrates, can be formed from formaldehyde (HCHO), a simple chemical

which is readily produced in laboratory experiments that attempt to simulate

conditions on the primitive Earth. The sugar deoxyribose is harder to make, and

in present-day cells it is produced from ribose in a reaction catalyzed by a protein

enzyme, suggesting that ribose pre-dates deoxyribose in cells. Presumably,

DNA appeared on the scene later, but then proved more suitable than RNA as

a permanent repository of genetic information. In particular, the deoxyribose in

its sugar-phosphate backbone makes chains of DNA chemically more stable than

chains of RNA, so that much greater lengths of DNA can be maintained without


The other differences between RNA and DNA—the double-helical structure of

DNA and the use of thymine rather than uracil—further enhance DNA stability by

making the many unavoidable accidents that occur to the molecule much easier

to repair, as discussed in detail in Chapter 5 (pp. 271–273).


From our knowledge of present-day organisms and the molecules they contain, it

seems likely that the development of the distinctive autocatalytic mechanisms fundamental

to living systems began with the evolution of families of RNA molecules

that could catalyze their own replication. DNA is likely to have been a late addition:

as the accumulation of protein catalysts allowed more efficient and complex cells to

evolve, the DNA double helix replaced RNA as a more stable molecule for storing the

increased amounts of genetic information required by such cells.

What we don’t know

• How did the present relationships

between nucleic acids and proteins

evolve? How did the genetic code


• The information carried in genomes

specifies the sequences of all proteins

and RNA molecules in the cell,

and it determines when and where

these molecules are synthesized.

Do genomes carry other types of

information that we have not yet


• Cells go to great length to correct

mistakes in the processes of DNA

replication, transcription, splicing,

and translation. Are there analogous

strategies to correct mistakes in the

selection of which genes are to be

expressed in a given cell type? Could

the great complexity of transcription

initiation in animals and plants reflect

such a strategy?


Which statements are true? Explain why or why not.

6–1 The consequences of errors in transcription are

less severe than those of errors in DNA replication.

6–2 Since introns are largely genetic “junk,” they do not

have to be removed precisely from the primary transcript

during RNA splicing.

6–3 Wobble pairing occurs between the first position

in the codon and the third position in the anticodon.

6–4 During protein synthesis, the thermodynamics of

base-pairing between tRNAs and mRNAs sets the upper

limit for the accuracy with which protein molecules are


+ + – –

Figure Q6–1 Supercoils around a moving RNA polymerase (Problem


6–7 You have attached an RNA polymerase molecule

to a glass slide and have allowed it to initiate transcription

on a template DNA that is tethered to a magnetic bead as

shown in Figure Q6–2. If the DNA with its attached magnetic

bead moves relative to the RNA polymerase as indicated

in the figure, in which direction will the bead

Problems p6.02/6.02


6–5 Protein enzymes are thought to greatly outnumber

ribozymes in modern cells because they can catalyze

a much greater variety of reactions and all of them have

faster rates than any ribozyme.

Discuss the following problems.

6–6 In which direction along the template must the

RNA polymerase in Figure Q6–1 be moving to have generated

the supercoiled structures that are shown? Would

you expect supercoils to be generated if the RNA polymerase

were free to rotate about the axis of the DNA as it

progressed along the template?




glass slide







Figure Q6–2 System for

measuring the rotation of DNA

caused by RNA polymerase

(Problem 6–7). The magnet

holds the bead upright (but

doesn’t interfere with its

rotation), and the attached

tiny fluorescent beads allow

the direction of motion to

be visualized under the

microscope. RNA polymerase is

held in place by attachment to

the glass slide.

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