Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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the stake becomes burned on Twi er which leads back eventually to

burned at the stake as Woke humanity regresses to ages past.

The biggest Woke inversion of all is its creators and funders. I

grew up in a traditional le of centre political household on a

council estate in Leicester in the 1950s and 60s – you know, the le

that challenged the power of wealth-hoarding elites and threats to

freedom of speech and opinion. In those days students went on

marches defending freedom of speech while today’s Wokers march

for its deletion. What on earth could have happened? Those very

elites (collectively the Cult) that we opposed in my youth and early

life have funded into existence the antithesis of that former le and

hijacked the ‘brand’ while inverting everything it ever stood for. We

have a mentality that calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ while

acting like fascists. Cult billionaires and their corporations have

funded themselves into control of ‘education’ to ensure that Woke

programming is unceasing throughout the formative years of

children and young people and that non-Wokers are isolated (that

word again) whether they be students, teachers or college professors.

The Cult has funded into existence the now colossal global network

of Woke organisations that have spawned and promoted all the

‘causes’ on the Cult wish-list for global transformation and turned

Wokers into demanders of them. Does anyone really think it’s a

coincidence that the Cult agenda for humanity is a carbon (sorry)

copy of the societal transformations desired by Woke?? These are

only some of them:

Political correctness: The means by which the Cult deletes all public

debates that it knows it cannot win if we had the free-flow of

information and evidence.

Human-caused ‘climate change’: The means by which the Cult

seeks to transform society into a globally-controlled dictatorship

imposing its will over the fine detail of everyone’s lives ‘to save the

planet’ which doesn’t actually need saving.

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