Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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industries supporting ‘Covid’ rules which have destroyed their

profession and the same with those among the public who put signs

on the doors of their businesses ‘closed due to Covid – stay safe’

when many will never reopen. It’s a form of masochism and most

certainly insanity.

Transgender = transhumanism

When something explodes out of nowhere and is suddenly

everywhere it is always the Cult agenda and so it is with the tidal

wave of claims and demands that have infiltrated every aspect of

society under the heading of ‘transgenderism’. The term ‘trans’ is so

‘in’ and this is the dictionary definition:

A prefix meaning ‘across’, ’through’, occurring … in loanwords from Latin, used in particular

for denoting movement or conveyance from place to place (transfer; transmit; transplant) or

complete change (transform; transmute), or to form adjectives meaning ’crossing’, ‘on the

other side of’, or ‘going beyond’ the place named (transmontane; transnational; trans-


Transgender means to go beyond gender and transhuman means

to go beyond human. Both are aspects of the Cult plan to transform

the human body to a synthetic state with no gender. Human 2.0 is not

designed to procreate and would be produced technologically with

no need for parents. The new human would mean the end of parents

and so men, and increasingly women, are being targeted for the

deletion of their rights and status. Parental rights are disappearing at

an ever-quickening speed for the same reason. The new human

would have no need for men or women when there is no procreation

and no gender. Perhaps the transgender movement that appears to

be in a permanent state of frenzy might now contemplate on how it

is being used. This was never about transgender rights which are

only the interim excuse for confusing gender, particularly in the

young, on the road to fusing gender. Transgender activism is not an

end; it is a means to an end. We see again the technique of creative

destruction in which you destroy the status quo to ‘build back be er’

in the form that you want. The gender status quo had to be

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