Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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staff, devoured tens of millions of dollars and found no evidence of

Russia collusion which a ten-year-old could have told them on day

one. Now the same moronic Schumer and Schiff wanted a second

impeachment of Trump over the Capitol ‘insurrection’ (riot) which

the arrested development of Schumer called another ‘Pearl Harbor’

while others compared it with 9/11 in which 3,000 died and, in the

case of CNN, with the Rwandan genocide in the 1990s in which an

estimated 500,000 to 600,000 were murdered, between 250, 000 and

500,000 women were raped, and populations of whole towns were

hacked to death with machetes. To make those comparisons purely

for Cult political reasons is beyond insulting to those that suffered

and lost their lives and confirms yet again the callous inhumanity

that we are dealing with. Schumer is a monumental idiot and so is

Schiff, but they serve the Cult agenda and do whatever they’re told

so they get looked a er. Talking of idiots – another inane man who

spanned the Russia and Capitol impeachment a empts was Senator

Eric Swalwell who had the nerve to accuse Trump of collusion with

the Russians while sleeping with a Chinese spy called Christine Fang

or ‘Fang Fang’ which is straight out of a Bond film no doubt starring

Klaus Schwab as the bloke living on a secret island and controlling

laser weapons positioned in space and pointing at world capitals.

Fang Fang plays the part of Bond’s infiltrator girlfriend which I’m

sure she would enjoy rather more than sharing a bed with the

brainless Swalwell, lying back and thinking of China. The FBI

eventually warned Swalwell about Fang Fang which gave her time

to escape back to the Chinese dictatorship. How very thoughtful of

them. The second Trump impeachment also failed and hardly

surprising when an impeachment is supposed to remove a si ing

president and by the time it happened Trump was no longer

president. These people are running your country America, well,

officially anyway. Terrifying isn’t it?

Outcomes tell the story - always

The outcome of all this – and it’s the outcome on which Renegade

Minds focus, not the words – was that a vicious, hysterical and

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