Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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736 Chapter 13: Intracellular Membrane Traffic

Early endosomes have tubular and vacuolar domains (see Figure 13–53). Most

of the membrane surface is in the tubules and most of the volume is in the vacuolar

domain. During endosome maturation, the two domains have different fates: the

vacuolar portions of the early endosome are retained and transformed into late

endosomes; the tubular portions shrink. Maturing endosomes, also called multivesicular

bodies, migrate along microtubules toward the cell interior, shedding

membrane tubules and vesicles that recycle material to the plasma membrane

and TGN, and receiving newly synthesized lysosomal proteins. As they concentrate

in a perinuclear region of the cell, the multivesicular bodies fuse with each

other, and eventually with endolysosomes and lysosomes (see Figure 13–47).

Many changes occur during the maturation process. (1) The endosome changes

shape and location, as the tubular domains are lost and the vacuolar domains are

thoroughly modified. (2) Rab proteins, phosphoinositide lipids, fusion machinery

(SNAREs and tethers), and microtubule motor proteins all participate in a molecular

makeover of the cytosolic face of the endosome membrane, changing the

functional characteristics of the organelle. (3) A V-type ATPase in the endosome

membrane pumps H + from the cytosol into the endosome lumen and acidifies the

organelle. Crucially, the increasing acidity that accompanies maturation renders

lysosomal hydrolases increasingly more active, influencing many receptor–ligand

interactions, thereby controlling receptor loading and unloading. (4) Intralumenal

vesicles sequester endocytosed signaling receptors inside the endosome,

thus halting the receptor signaling activity. (5) Lysosome proteins are delivered

from the TGN to the maturing endosome. Most of these events occur gradually

but eventually lead to a complete transformation of the endosome into an early


In addition to committing selected cargo for degradation, the maturation process

is important for lysosome maintenance. The continual delivery of lysosome

components from the TGN to maturing endosomes, ensures a steady supply of

new lysosome proteins. The endocytosed materials mix in early endosomes with

newly arrived acid hydrolases. Although mild digestion may start here, many

hydrolases are synthesized and delivered as proenzymes, called zymogens, which

contain extra inhibitory domains that keep the hydrolases inactive until these

domains are proteolytically removed at later stages of endosome maturation.

Moreover, the pH in early endosomes is not low enough to activate lysosomal

hydrolases optimally. By these means, cells can retrieve membrane proteins

intact from early endosomes and recycle them back to the plasma membrane.

ESCRT Protein Complexes Mediate the Formation of Intralumenal

Vesicles in Multivesicular Bodies

As endosomes mature, patches of their membrane invaginate into the endosome

lumen and pinch off to form intralumenal vesicles. Because of their appearance in

the electron microscope such maturing endosomes are also called multivesicular

bodies (Figure 13–54).

The multivesicular bodies carry endocytosed membrane proteins that are to

be degraded. As part of the protein-sorting process, receptors destined for degradation,

such as the occupied EGF receptors described previously, selectively partition

into the invaginating membrane of the multivesicular bodies. In this way,

both the receptors and any signaling proteins strongly bound to them are sequestered

away from the cytosol where they might otherwise continue signaling.

They also are made fully accessible to the digestive enzymes that eventually will

degrade them (Figure 13–55). In addition to endocytosed membrane proteins,

multivesicular bodies include the soluble content of early endosomes destined

for late endosomes and digestion in lysosomes.

As discussed earlier, sorting into intralumenal vesicles requires one or multiple

ubiquitin tags, which are added to the cytosolic domains of membrane proteins.

These tags initially help guide the proteins into clathrin-coated vesicles in

the plasma membrane. Once delivered to the endosomal membrane, the ubiquitin

tags are recognized again, this time by a series of cytosolic ESCRT protein





0.5 µm

Figure 13–54 Electron micrograph of a

multivesicular body. The large amount

of internal membrane will be delivered to

the lysosome, MBoC6 for m13.55/13.55

digestion. (Courtesy of

Andrew Staehelin, from A. Driouich,

A. Jauneau and L.A. Staehelin; Plant

Physiol. 113:487–492, 1997. With

permission from the American Society of

Plant Biologists.)

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