Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Earth. SpaceX, like everyone else, is treating the radiation as if it were not there. As if the

mitochondria in our cells do not depend on electrons moving undisturbed from the food we

digest to the oxygen we breathe.

As if our nervous systems and our hearts are not subject to radio frequency interference like

any piece of electronic equipment. As if the cancer, diabetes, and heart disease that now

afflict a majority of the Earth’s population are not metabolic diseases that result from

interference with our cellular machinery. As if insects everywhere, and the birds and animals

that eat them, are not starving to death as a result.

People like Musk and Gates believe in their limitless Wetiko

arrogance that they can do whatever they like to the world because

they own it. Consequences for humanity are irrelevant. It’s

absolutely time that we stopped taking this shit from these selfstyled

masters of the Earth when you consider where this is going.

Why is the Cult so anti-human?

I hear this question o en: Why would they do this when it will affect

them, too? Ah, but will it? Who is this them? Forget their bodies.

They are just vehicles for Wetiko consciousness. When you break it

all down to the foundations we are looking at a state of severely

distorted consciousness targeting another state of consciousness for

assimilation. The rest is detail. The simulation is the fly-trap in

which unique sensations of the five senses create a cycle of addiction

called reincarnation. Renegade Minds see that everything which

happens in our reality is a smaller version of the whole picture in

line with the holographic principle. Addiction to the radiation of

smart technology is a smaller version of addiction to the whole

simulation. Connecting the body/brain to AI is taking that addiction

on a giant step further to total ongoing control by assimilating

human incarnate consciousness into Wetiko. I have watched during

the ‘Covid’ hoax how many are becoming ever more profoundly

a ached to Wetiko’s perceptual calling cards of aggressive response

to any other point of view (‘There is no other god but me’),

psychopathic lack of compassion and empathy, and servile

submission to the narrative and will of authority. Wetiko is the

psychopaths and subservience to psychopaths. The Cult of Wetiko is

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