Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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developed close economic, military, technological and strategic ties

which include involvement in China’s ‘Silk Road’ transport and

economic initiative to connect China with Europe. Israel was the first

country in the Middle East to recognise the establishment of Mao’s

tyranny in 1950 months a er it was established.

Project Wuhan – the ‘Covid’ Psyop

I emphasise again that the Cult plays the long game and what is

happening to the world today is the result of centuries of calculated

manipulation following a script to take control step-by-step of every

aspect of human society. I will discuss later the common force

behind all this that has spanned those centuries and thousands of

years if the truth be told. Instigating the Mao revolution in China in

1949 with a 2020 ‘pandemic’ in mind is not only how they work – the

71 years between them is really quite short by the Cult’s standards of

manipulation preparation. The reason for the Cult’s Chinese

revolution was to create a fiercely-controlled environment within

which an extreme structure for human control could be incubated to

eventually be unleashed across the world. We have seen this happen

since the ‘pandemic’ emerged from China with the Chinese controlstructure

founded on AI technology and tyrannical enforcement

sweep across the West. Until the moment when the Cult went for

broke in the West and put its fascism on public display Western

governments had to pay some lip-service to freedom and democracy

to not alert too many people to the tyranny-in-the-making. Freedoms

were more subtly eroded and power centralised with covert

government structures put in place waiting for the arrival of 2020

when that smokescreen of ‘freedom’ could be dispensed with. The

West was not able to move towards tyranny before 2020 anything

like as fast as China which was created as a tyranny and had no

limits on how fast it could construct the Cult’s blueprint for global

control. When the time came to impose that structure on the world it

was the same Cult-owned Chinese communist/fascist government

that provided the excuse – the ‘Covid pandemic’. It was absolutely

crucial to the Cult plan for the Chinese response to the ‘pandemic’ –

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