Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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denied an income and the right to earn a living and the wealth of

people like Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and

Sergei Brin and Larry Page (Google/Alphabet) have reached record

levels. The Cult was increasing its own power through further

dramatic concentrations of wealth while the competition was being

destroyed and brought into a state of dependency. Lockdowns have

been instigated to secure that very end and were never anything to

do with health. My brother Paul spent 45 years building up a bus

repair business, but lockdowns meant buses were running at a

fraction of normal levels for months on end. Similar stories can told

in their hundreds of millions worldwide. Efforts of a lifetime coldly

destroyed by Cult multi-billionaires and their lackeys in government

and law enforcement who continued to earn their living from the

taxation of the people while denying the right of the same people to

earn theirs. How different it would have been if those making and

enforcing these decisions had to face the same financial hardships of

those they affected, but they never do.

Gates of Hell

Behind it all in the full knowledge of what he is doing and why is

the psychopathic figure of Cult operative Bill Gates. His puppet

Tedros at the World Health Organization declared ‘Covid’ a

pandemic in March, 2020. The WHO had changed the definition of a

‘pandemic’ in 2009 just a month before declaring the ‘swine flu

pandemic’ which would not have been so under the previous

definition. The same applies to ‘Covid’. The definition had

included… ‘an infection by an infectious agent, occurring

simultaneously in different countries, with a significant mortality

rate relative to the proportion of the population infected’. The new

definition removed the need for ‘significant mortality’. The

‘pandemic’ has been fraudulent even down to the definition, but

Gates demanded economy-destroying lockdowns, school closures,

social distancing, mandatory masks, a ‘vaccination’ for every man,

woman and child on the planet and severe consequences and

restrictions for those that refused. Who gave him this power? The

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