Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Figure 3–22 Some properties of a helix.

(A–D) A helix forms when a series of

subunits bind to each other in a regular

way. At the bottom, each of these helices

is viewed from directly above the helix and

seen to have two (A), three (B), and six

(C and D) subunits per helical turn. Note

that the helix in (D) has a wider path

than that in (C), but the same number of

subunits per turn. (E) As discussed in the

text, a helix can be either right-handed or

left-handed. As a reference, it is useful to

remember that standard metal screws,

which insert when turned clockwise, are

right-handed. Note that a helix retains the

same handedness when it is turned upside

down. (PDB code: 2DHB.)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

acid glycine at every third position. This regular structure allows the chains to

wind around one another to generate a long regular triple helix (Figure 3–23A).

Many collagen molecules then MBoC6 bind m3.26/3.22 to one another side-by-side and end-toend

to create long overlapping arrays—thereby generating the extremely tough

collagen fibrils that give connective tissues their tensile strength, as described in

Chapter 19.

Proteins Contain a Surprisingly Large Amount of Intrinsically

Disordered Polypeptide Chain

It has been well known for a long time that, in complete contrast to collagen,

another abundant protein in the extracellular matrix, elastin, is formed as a highly

disordered polypeptide. This disorder is essential for elastin’s function. Its relatively

loose and unstructured polypeptide chains are covalently cross-linked to

50 nm

short section of

collagen fibril

elastic fiber



300 nm × 1.5 nm

1.5 nm






single elastin molecule




Figure 3–23 Collagen and elastin. (A) Collagen is a triple helix formed by three extended protein chains that wrap around one another (bottom).

Many rodlike collagen molecules are cross-linked together in the extracellular space to form unextendable collagen fibrils (top) that have the tensile

strength of steel. The striping on the collagen fibril is caused by the regular repeating arrangement of the collagen molecules within the fibril.

(B) Elastin polypeptide chains are cross-linked together in the extracellular space to form rubberlike, elastic fibers. Each elastin molecule uncoils into a

more extended conformation when the fiber is stretched and recoils spontaneously as soon as the stretching force is relaxed. The cross-linking in the

extracellular space mentioned creates covalent linkages between lysine side chains, but the chemistry is different for collagen and elastin.

MBoC6 m3.27/3.23

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