Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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760 Chapter 14: Energy Conversion: Mitochondria and Chloroplasts

Mitochondria are critical for buffering the redox potential in the cytosol. Cells

need a constant supply of the electron acceptor NAD + for the central reaction in

glycolysis that converts glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate

(see Figure 2–48). This NAD + is converted to NADH in the process, and the NAD +

needs to be regenerated by transferring the high-energy NADH electrons somewhere.

The NADH electrons will eventually be used to help drive oxidative phosphorylation

inside the mitochondrion. But the inner mitochondrial membrane

is impermeable to NADH. The electrons are therefore passed from the NADH to

smaller molecules in the cytosol that can move through the inner mitochondrial

membrane. Once in the matrix, these smaller molecules transfer their electrons to

NAD + to form mitochondrial NADH, after which they are returned to the cytosol

for recharging—creating a so-called shuttle system for the NADH electrons.

In addition to ATP, biosynthesis in the cytosol requires both a constant supply

of reducing power in the form of NADPH and small carbon-rich molecules

to serve as building blocks (discussed in Chapter 2). Descriptions of biosynthesis

often state that the needed carbon skeletons come directly from the breakdown

of sugars, whereas the NADPH is produced in the cytosol by a side pathway

for the breakdown of sugars (the pentose phosphate pathway, an alternative to

glycolysis). But under conditions where nutrients abound and plenty of ATP is

available, mitochondria help to generate both the reducing power and the carbon-rich

building blocks (the “carbon skeletons” in Panel 2–1, pp. 90–91) needed

for cell growth. For this purpose, excess citrate produced in the mitochondrial

matrix by the citric acid cycle (see Panel 2–9, pp. 106–107) is transported down

its electrochemical gradient to the cytosol, where it is metabolized to produce

essential components of the cell. Thus, for example, as part of a cell’s response

to growth signals, large amounts of acetyl CoA are produced in the cytosol from

citrate exported from mitochondria, accelerating the production of the fatty acids

and sterols that build new membranes (described in Chapter 10). Cancer cells are

frequently mutated in ways that enhance this pathway, as part of their program of

abnormal growth (see Figure 20–26).

The urea cycle is a central metabolic pathway in mammals that converts the

ammonia (NH 4 + ) produced by the breakdown of nitrogen-containing compounds

(such as amino acids) to the urea excreted in urine. Two critical steps of the urea

cycle are carried out in the mitochondria of liver cells, while the remaining steps

occur in the cytosol. Mitochondria also play an essential part in the metabolic

adaptation of cells to different nutritional conditions. For example, under conditions

of starvation, proteins in our bodies are broken down to amino acids, and

the amino acids are imported into mitochondria and oxidized to produce NADH

for ATP production.

The biosynthesis of heme groups—which, as we shall see in the next section,

play a central part in electron transfer—is another critical process that is shared

between the mitochondrion and the cytoplasm. Iron–sulfur clusters, which are

essential not only for electron transfer in the respiratory chain (see p. 766), but

also for the maintenance and stability of the nuclear genome, are produced in

mitochondria (and chloroplasts). Nuclear genome instability, a hallmark of cancer,

can sometimes be linked to the decreased function of cellular proteins that

contain iron–sulfur clusters.

Mitochondria also have a central role in membrane biosynthesis. Cardiolipin

is a two-headed phospholipid (Figure 14–11) that is confined to the inner mitochondrial

membrane, where it is also produced. But mitochondria are also a major

source of phospholipids for the biogenesis of other cell membranes. Phosphatidylethanolamine,

phosphatidylglycerol, and phosphatidic acid are synthesized in

the mitochondrion, while phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylserine

are primarily synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). As

described in Chapter 12, most of the cell’s membranes are assembled in the ER.

The exchange of lipids between the ER and mitochondria is thought to occur at

special sites of close contact (see Figure 14–7) by an as-yet unknown mechanism.


H 2 C










CH 2



fatty acid tail



fatty acid tail



CH 2







CH 2



fatty acid tail



fatty acid tail

Figure 14–11 The structure of

cardiolipin. Cardiolipin consists of two

covalently linked phospholipid units, with a

total of four rather than the usual two fatty

acid chains (see Figure 10–3). Cardiolipin

is only produced in the mitochondrial inner

membrane, where it interacts closely with

membrane proteins involved in oxidative

phosphorylation and atp transport. In

cristae, its two MBoC6 juxtaposed m14.65/14.11 phosphate

groups may act as a local proton trap on

the membrane surface.


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