Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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equality? We’ve had black supremacists from Black Lives Ma er

telling white people to fall to their knees in the street and apologise

for their white supremacy. Black supremacists acting like white

supremacist slave owners of the past couldn’t breach their selfobsessed,

race-obsessed sense of self-purity. Joe Biden appointed a

race-obsessed black supremacist Kristen Clarke to head the Justice

Department Civil Rights Division. Clarke claimed that blacks are

endowed with ‘greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities’ than

whites. If anyone reversed that statement they would be vilified.

Clarke is on-message so no problem. She’s never seen a black-white

situation in which the black figure is anything but a virtuous victim

and she heads the Civil Rights Division which should treat everyone

the same or it isn’t civil rights. Another perception of the Renegade

Mind: If something or someone is part of the Cult agenda they will

be supported by Woke governments and media no ma er what. If

they’re not, they will be condemned and censored. It really is that

simple and so racist Clarke prospers despite (make that because of)

her racism.

The end of culture

Biden’s administration is full of such racial, cultural and economic

bias as the Cult requires the human family to be divided into

warring factions. We are now seeing racially-segregated graduations

and everything, but everything, is defined through the lens of

perceived ‘racism. We have ‘racist’ mathematics, ‘racist’ food and

even ‘racist’ plants. World famous Kew Gardens in London said it

was changing labels on plants and flowers to tell its pre-‘Covid’

more than two million visitors a year how racist they are. Kew

director Richard Deverell said this was part of an effort to ‘move

quickly to decolonise collections’ a er they were approached by one

Ajay Chhabra ‘an actor with an insight into how sugar cane was

linked to slavery’. They are plants you idiots. ‘Decolonisation’ in the

Woke manual really means colonisation of society with its mentality

and by extension colonisation by the Cult. We are witnessing a new

Chinese-style ‘Cultural Revolution’ so essential to the success of all

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