Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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The Cult plays the long game and proceeds step-by-step ensuring

that everything is in place before major cards are played and they

don’t come any bigger than the ‘Covid’ hoax. The psychopaths can’t

handle events where the outcome isn’t certain and as li le as

possible – preferably nothing – is le to chance. Politicians,

government and medical officials who would follow direction were

brought to illusory power in advance by the Cult web whether on

the national stage or others like state governors and mayors of

America. For decades the dynamic between officialdom, law

enforcement and the public was changed from one of service to one

of control and dictatorship. Behaviour manipulation networks

established within government were waiting to impose the coming

‘Covid’ rules and regulations specifically designed to subdue and

rewire the psyche of the people in the guise of protecting health.

These included in the UK the Behavioural Insights Team part-owned

by the British government Cabinet Office; the Scientific Pandemic

Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B); and a whole web of

intelligence and military groups seeking to direct the conversation

on social media and control the narrative. Among them are the

cyberwarfare (on the people) 77th Brigade of the British military

which is also coordinated through the Cabinet Office as civilian and

military leadership continues to combine in what they call the

Fusion Doctrine. The 77th Brigade is a British equivalent of the

infamous Israeli (Sabbatian) military cyberwarfare and Internet

manipulation operation Unit 8200 which I expose at length in The

Trigger. Also carefully in place were the medical and science advisers

to government – many on the payroll past or present of Bill Gates –

and a whole alternative structure of unelected government stood by

to take control when elected parliaments were effectively closed

down once the ‘Covid’ card was slammed on the table. The structure

I have described here and so much more was installed in every

major country through the Cult networks. The top-down control

hierarchy looks like this: The Cult – Cult-owned Gates – the World

Health Organization and Tedros – Gates-funded or controlled chief

medical officers and science ‘advisers’ (dictators) in each country –

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