Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1284 Chapter 23: Pathogens and Infection


endosome or



intracellular pathogen







host cell

fusion with

lysosomes to form


Figure 23–22 Choices that an

intracellular pathogen faces. After

entry into a host cell, generally through

phagocytosis into a membrane-enclosed

compartment, intracellular pathogens can

use one of three strategies to survive and

replicate. Pathogens that follow strategy

(1) include all viruses, Trypanosoma cruzi,

Listeria monocytogenes, and Shigella

flexneri. Those that follow strategy (2)

include Mycobacterium tuberculosis and

Legionella pneumophila. Those that follow

strategy (3) include Salmonella enterica,

Coxiella burnetii, and Leishmania.

Some Intracellular Pathogens Escape from the Phagosome into

the Cytosol

The intracellular parasites just discussed raise a general problem that faces all

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intracellular pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotic parasites:

they must find a cell compartment in which they can replicate. After their endocytosis

by a host cell, they usually find themselves in an endosomal compartment,

which normally would fuse with lysosomes to form a phagolysosome—a dangerous

place for pathogens. To survive, pathogens use a variety of strategies. Some

escape from the endosomal compartment before such fusion. Others remain in

the endosomal compartments but modify it so that it no longer fuses with lysosomes.

Still others have evolved to weather the harsh conditions in the phagolysosome

(Figure 23–22).

Trypanosoma cruzi uses the escape route by secreting a pore-forming toxin

that lyses the lysosome membrane, releasing the parasite into the host cell’s cytosol

(see Figure 23–21). The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes uses a similar strategy.

Following phagocytosis by the zipper mechanism, it secretes a protein called

listeriolysin O, which disrupts the phagosomal membrane, releasing the bacteria

into the cytosol (Figure 23–23).

Many Pathogens Alter Membrane Traffic in the Host Cell to Survive

and Replicate

The survival and reproduction of many intracellular pathogens requires that they

modify membrane (vesicular) traffic in the host cell. They may, for example, prevent

the normal fusing of endosomes with lysosomes, or adapt themselves to

1 Listeria attaches

to E-cadherin

epithelial host cell



uptake by

zipper mechanism

4 listeriolysin-mediated

membrane disruption

6 secreted listeriolysin now

destroyed in host proteasomes


3 listeriolysin


5 bacterial release

and replication

pH <6.0 pH >6.0


Figure 23–23 Escape of Listeria monocytogenes by selective destruction of the phagosomal membrane. The bacterium

attaches to E-cadherin on the surface of host epithelial cells and induces its own uptake by the zipper mechanism (see

Figure 23–19A). Within the phagosome, the bacterium secretes the protein listeriolysin O, which is activated at pH <6 and

forms oligomers in the phagosome membrane, thereby creating large pores and eventually disrupting the membrane. Once

in the host-cell cytosol, the bacteria begin to replicate and continue to secrete listeriolysin O; because the pH in the cytosol

is >6, however, the listeriolysin O there is inactive and is also rapidly degraded by proteasomes. Thus, the host cell’s plasma

membrane remains intact.

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