Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1002 Chapter 17: The Cell Cycle

along different pathways. To create daughter cells with different fates in this way,

the mother cell must first segregate certain components (called cell fate determinants)

to one side of the cell and then position the plane of division so that the

appropriate daughter cell inherits these components (Figure 17–50). To position

the plane of division asymmetrically, the spindle has to be moved in a controlled

manner within the dividing cell. It seems likely that changes in local regions of

the cell cortex direct such spindle movements and that motor proteins localized

there pull one of the spindle poles, via its astral microtubules, to the appropriate

region. Genetic analyses in C. elegans and Drosophila have identified some of the

proteins required for such asymmetric divisions, and some of these proteins seem

to have a similar role in vertebrates.

Mitosis Can Occur Without Cytokinesis

Although nuclear division is usually followed by cytoplasmic division, there are

exceptions. Some cells undergo multiple rounds of nuclear division without intervening

cytoplasmic division. In the early Drosophila embryo, for example, the

first 13 rounds of nuclear division occur without cytoplasmic division, resulting in

the formation of a single large cell containing several thousand nuclei, arranged

in a monolayer near the surface. A cell in which multiple nuclei share the same

cytoplasm is called a syncytium. This arrangement greatly speeds up early development,

as the cells do not have to take the time to go through all the steps of

cytokinesis for each division. After these rapid nuclear divisions, membranes are

created around each nucleus in one round of coordinated cytokinesis called cellularization.

The plasma membrane extends inward and, with the help of an actin–

myosin ring, pinches off to enclose each nucleus (Figure 17–51).

Nuclear division without cytokinesis also occurs in some types of mammalian

cells. Megakaryocytes, which produce blood platelets, and some hepatocytes and

heart muscle cells, for example, become multinucleated in this way.

After cytokinesis, most cells enter G 1 , in which Cdks are mostly inactive. We

end this section by discussing how this state is achieved at the end of M phase.

The G 1 Phase Is a Stable State of Cdk Inactivity

A key regulatory event in late M phase is the inactivation of Cdks, which is driven

primarily by APC/C-dependent cyclin destruction. As described earlier, the inactivation

of Cdks in late M phase has many functions: it triggers the events of late

mitosis, promotes cytokinesis, and enables the synthesis of prereplicative complexes

at DNA replication origins. It also provides a mechanism for resetting the



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Figure 17–50 An asymmetric cell

division segregating cytoplasmic

components to only one daughter cell.

These light micrographs illustrate the

controlled asymmetric segregation

of specific cytoplasmic components to

one daughter cell during the first division

of a fertilized egg of the nematode

C. elegans. The fertilized egg is shown in

the left micrographs and the two daughter

cells in the right micrographs. The cells

above have been stained with a blue,

DNA-binding, fluorescent dye to show the

nucleus (and polar bodies); they are viewed

by both differential-interference-contrast

and fluorescence microscopy. The cells

below are the same cells stained with an

antibody against P-granules and viewed

by fluorescence microscopy. These small

granules are made of RNA and proteins

and determine which cells become germ

cells. They are distributed randomly

throughout the cytoplasm of the unfertilized

egg (not shown) but become segregated to

the posterior pole of the fertilized egg. The

cleavage plane is oriented to ensure that

only the posterior daughter cell receives

the P-granules when the egg divides.

The same segregation process is

repeated in several subsequent cell

divisions, so that the P-granules end up

only in cells that give rise to eggs and

sperm. (Courtesy of Susan Strome.)

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