Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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through a global network of organisations answering to the

Sabbatian-created-and-controlled globe-spanning intelligence

network that involves a stunning web of military-intelligence

operatives and operations for a tiny country of just nine million.

Among them are Jewish assets who are not Sabbatians but have been

convinced by them that what they are doing is for the good of Israel

and the Jewish community to protect them from what they have

been programmed since childhood to believe is a Jew-hating hostile

world. The Jewish community is just a highly convenient cover to

hide the true nature of Sabbatians. Anyone ge ing close to exposing

their game is accused by Sabbatian place-people and gofers of ‘anti-

Semitism’ and claiming that all Jews are part of a plot to take over

the world. I am not saying that. I am saying that Sabbatians – the real

Jew-haters – have infiltrated the Jewish community to use them both

as a cover and an ‘anti-Semitic’ defence against exposure. Thus we

have the Anti-Semitism Industry targeted researchers in this way

and most Jewish people think this is justified and genuine. They

don’t know that their ‘Jewish’ leaders and institutions of state,

intelligence and military are not controlled by Jews at all, but cultists

and stooges of Sabbatian-Frankism. I once added my name to a pro-

Jewish freedom petition online and the next time I looked my name

was gone and text had been added to the petition blurb to a ack me

as an ‘anti-Semite’ such is the scale of perceptual programming.

Moving on America

I tell the story in The Trigger and a chapter called ‘Atlantic Crossing’

how particularly a er Israel was established the Sabbatians moved

in on the United States and eventually grasped control of

government administration, the political system via both Democrats

and Republicans, the intelligence community like the CIA and

National Security Agency (NSA), the Pentagon and mass media.

Through this seriously compartmentalised network Sabbatians and

their operatives in Mossad, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and US

agencies pulled off 9/11 and blamed it on 19 ‘Al-Qaeda hijackers’

dominated by men from, or connected to, Sabbatian-ruled Saudi

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