Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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beating the elite in court and he formed the German Corona

Investigative Commi ee to pursue civil charges against the main

perpetrators with a view to triggering criminal charges. Most

importantly he has grasped the foundation of the hoax – the PCR

test not testing for the ‘virus’ – and Christian Drosten is therefore on

his charge sheet along with Gates frontman Tedros at the World

Health Organization. Major players must be not be allowed to inflict

their horrors on the human race without being brought to book. A

life sentence must follow for Bill Gates and the rest of them. A group

of researchers has also indicted the government of Norway for

crimes against humanity with copies sent to the police and the

International Criminal Court. The lawsuit cites participation in an

internationally-planned false pandemic and violation of

international law and human rights, the European Commission’s

definition of human rights by coercive rules, Nuremberg and Hague

rules on fundamental human rights, and the Norwegian

constitution. We must take the initiative from hereon and not just

complain, protest and react.

There are practical ways to support vital mass non-cooperation.

Organising in numbers is one. Lockdown marches in London in the

spring in 2021 were mass non-cooperation that the authorities could

not stop. There were too many people. Hundreds of thousands

walked the London streets in the centre of the road for mile a er

mile while the Face-Nappies could only look on. They were

determined, but calm, and just did it with no histrionics and lots of

smiles. The police were impotent. Others are organising group

shopping without masks for mutual support and imagine if that was

happening all over. Policing it would be impossible. If the store

refuses to serve people in these circumstances they would be faced

with a long line of trolleys full of goods standing on their own and

everything would have to be returned to the shelves. How would

they cope with that if it kept happening? I am talking here about

moving on from complaining to being pro-active; from watching

things happen to making things happen. I include in this our

relationship with the police. The behaviour of many Face-Nappies

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