Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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have a particular pre-puberty energy that Archons want more than

anything and the energy of the young in general is their target. The

California Department of Education wants students to chant the

names of Aztec gods (Archontic gods) once worshipped in human

sacrifice rituals in a curriculum designed to encourage them to

‘challenge racist, bigoted, discriminatory, imperialist/colonial

beliefs’, join ‘social movements that struggle for social justice’, and

‘build new possibilities for a post-racist, post-systemic racism

society’. It’s the usual Woke crap that inverts racism and calls it antiracism.

In this case solidarity with ‘indigenous tribes’ is being used

as an excuse to chant the names of ‘gods’ to which people were

sacrificed (and still are in secret). What an example of Woke’s

inability to see beyond black and white, us and them, They condemn

the colonisation of these tribal cultures by Europeans (quite right),

but those cultures sacrificing people including children to their

‘gods’, and mass murdering untold numbers as the Aztecs did, is

just fine. One chant is to the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca who had a man

sacrificed to him in the 5th month of the Aztec calendar. His heart

was cut out and he was eaten. Oh, that’s okay then. Come on

children … a er three … Other sacrificial ‘gods’ for the young to

chant their allegiance include Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli and Xipe

Totec. The curriculum says that ‘chants, affirmations, and energizers

can be used to bring the class together, build unity around ethnic

studies principles and values, and to reinvigorate the class following

a lesson that may be emotionally taxing or even when student

engagement may appear to be low’. Well, that’s the cover story,

anyway. Chanting and mantras are the repetition of a particular

frequency generated from the vocal cords and chanting the names of

these Archontic ‘gods’ tunes you into their frequency. That is the last

thing you want when it allows for energetic synchronisation,

a achment and perceptual influence. Initiates chant the names of

their ‘Gods’ in their rituals for this very reason.

Vampires of the Woke

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