Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1246 Chapter 22: Stem Cells and Tissue Renewal


progenitor cell

stem cell


1. Frequency of stem-cell division

2. Probability of stem-cell death

3. Probability that stem-cell daughter

will become a committed progenitor

cell of the given type

Figure 22–34 Some of the parameters

through which the production of

blood cells of a specific type might

be regulated. Studies in culture suggest

that various colony-stimulating factors

(CSFs) can affect all of these aspects of


4. Division cycle time of committed

progenitor cell

5. Probability of progenitor-cell death

6. Number of committed progenitorcell

divisions before terminal


7. Lifetime of differentiated cells



blood cell

macrophage CSF, can exert all these effects, although it is still not clear which are

most important in vivo.

Studies in vitro indicate, moreover, that there is a large element of chance in

the way a hematopoietic cell behaves—a reflection, presumably, of “noise” in the

genetic control system, as discussed in Chapters 7 and 8. If two sister cells are

taken immediately after a cell division and cultured apart under identical conditions,

they frequently give rise to colonies that contain different types of blood

cells or the same types of blood cells in different numbers. Thus, both the programming

of cell division and the process MBoC6 m23.46/22.34

of commitment to a particular path of

differentiation seem to involve random events at the level of the individual cell,

even though the behavior of the multicellular system as a whole is regulated in a

reliable way. The sequence of cell fate restrictions shown earlier, in Figure 22–31,

conveys the impression of a program executed with computer-like logic and precision.

Individual cells may be more varied, quirky, and erratic, and may sometimes

progress by other decision pathways from the stem-cell state toward terminal


Regulation of Cell Survival Is as Important as Regulation of Cell


The default behavior of hematopoietic cells in the absence of CSFs is death by

apoptosis (discussed in Chapter 18), and the control of cell survival plays a central

part in regulating the numbers of blood cells. The amount of apoptosis in the

vertebrate hematopoietic system is enormous: billions of neutrophils die in this

way each day in an adult human, for example. In fact, most neutrophils produced

in the bone marrow die there without ever functioning. This futile cycle of production

and destruction presumably serves to maintain a reserve supply of cells

that can be promptly mobilized to fight infection whenever it flares up, or phagocytosed

and digested for recycling when all is quiet. Compared with the life of the

organism, the lives of cells are cheap.

Too little cell death can be as dangerous to the health of a multicellular organism

as too much proliferation. As noted in Chapter 18, mutations that inhibit cell

death by causing excessive production of the intracellular apoptosis inhibitor

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