Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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DARPA openly brags about establishing the Internet which has been

a long-term project to lasso the minds of the global population. I

have said for decades the plan is to control information to such an

extreme that eventually no one would see or hear anything that the

Cult does not approve. We are closing in on that end with ferocious

censorship since the ‘Covid’ hoax began and in my case it started

back in the 1990s in terms of books and speaking venues. I had to

create my own publishing company in 1995 precisely because no one

else would publish my books even then. I think they’re all still


Cult Internet

To secure total control of information they needed the Internet in

which pre-programmed algorithms can seek out ‘unclean’ content

for deletion and even stop it being posted in the first place. The Cult

had to dismantle print and non-Internet broadcast media to ensure

the transfer of information to the appropriate-named ‘Web’ – a

critical expression of the Cult web. We’ve seen the ever-quickening

demise of traditional media and control of what is le by a tiny

number of corporations operating worldwide. Independent

journalism in the mainstream is already dead and never was that

more obvious than since the turn of 2020. The Cult wants all

information communicated via the Internet to globally censor and

allow the plug to be pulled any time. Lockdowns and forced

isolation has meant that communication between people has been

through electronic means and no longer through face-to-face

discourse and discussion. Cult psychopaths have targeted the bars,

restaurants, sport, venues and meeting places in general for this

reason. None of this is by chance and it’s to stop people gathering in

any kind of privacy or number while being able to track and monitor

all Internet communications and block them as necessary. Even

private messages between individuals have been censored by these

fascists that control Cult fronts like Facebook, Twi er, Google and

YouTube which are all officially run by Sabbatian place-people and

from the background by higher-level Sabbatian place people.

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