Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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universities and research centres – and further afield. Up to 200

academics from more than a dozen UK universities are being

investigated on suspicion of ‘unintentionally’ helping the Chinese

government build weapons of mass destruction by ‘transferring

world-leading research in advanced military technology such as

aircra , missile designs and cyberweapons’. Similar scandals have

broken in the United States, but it’s all a coincidence. Imperial

College serves the agenda in many other ways including the

promotion of every aspect of the United Nations Agenda 21/2030

(the Great Reset) and produced computer models to show that

human-caused ‘climate change’ is happening when in the real world

it isn’t. Imperial College is driving the climate agenda as it drives the

‘Covid’ agenda (both Cult hoaxes) while Patrick Vallance, the UK

government’s Chief Scientific Adviser on ‘Covid’, was named Chief

Scientific Adviser to the UN ‘climate change’ conference known as

COP26 hosted by the government in Glasgow, Scotland. ‘Covid’ and

‘climate’ are fundamentally connected.

Professor Woeful

From Imperial’s bosom came Neil Ferguson still advising

government despite his previous disasters and it was announced

early on that he and other key people like UK Chief Medical Adviser

Chris Whi y had caught the ‘virus’ as the propaganda story was

being sold. Somehow they managed to survive and we had Prime

Minister Boris Johnson admi ed to hospital with what was said to be

a severe version of the ‘virus’ in this same period. His whole policy

and demeanour changed when he returned to Downing Street. It’s a

small world with these government advisors – especially in their

communal connections to Gates – and Ferguson had partnered with

Whi y to write a paper called ‘Infectious disease: Tough choices to

reduce Ebola transmission’ which involved another scare-story that

didn’t happen. Ferguson’s ‘models’ predicted that up to150, 000

could die from ‘mad cow disease’, or BSE, and its version in sheep if

it was transmi ed to humans. BSE was not transmi ed and instead

triggered by an organophosphate pesticide used to treat a pest on

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