Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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The erosion of parental rights is a common theme in line with the

Cult plans to erase the very concept of parents and ‘ovaries removed,

pushing her into menopause’ means what? Those born female lose

the ability to have children – another way to discontinue humanity

as we know it.

Eliminating Human 1.0 (before our very eyes)

To pave the way for Human 2.0 you must phase out Human 1.0. This

is happening through plummeting sperm counts and making

women infertile through an onslaught of chemicals, radiation

(including smartphones in pockets of men) and mRNA ‘vaccines’.

Common agriculture pesticides are also having a devastating impact

on human fertility. I have been tracking collapsing sperm counts in

the books for a long time and in 2021 came a book by fertility

scientist and reproductive epidemiologist Shanna Swan, Count

Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering

Male and Female Reproductive Development and Imperiling the Future of

the Human Race. She reports how the global fertility rate dropped by

half between 1960 and 2016 with America’s birth rate 16 percent

below where it needs to be to sustain the population. Women are

experiencing declining egg quality, more miscarriages, and more

couples suffer from infertility. Other findings were an increase in

erectile dysfunction, infant boys developing more genital

abnormalities, male problems with conception, and plunging levels

of the male hormone testosterone which would explain why so

many men have lost their backbone and masculinity. This has been

very evident during the ‘Covid’ hoax when women have been

prominent among the Pushbackers and big strapping blokes have

bowed their heads, covered their faces with a nappy and quietly

submi ed. Mind control expert Cathy O’Brien also points to how

global education introduced the concept of ‘we’re all winners’ in

sport and classrooms: ‘Competition was defused, and it in turn

defused a sense of fighting back.’ This is another version of the

‘equity’ doctrine in which you drive down rather than raise up.

What a contrast in Cult-controlled China with its global ambitions

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