Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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‘Covid’. Nevertheless, despite the lack of proof, Montagnier’s team

at the Pasteur Institute in Paris had a long dispute with American

researcher Robert Gallo over which of them discovered and isolated

the HIV ‘virus’ and with no evidence found it to cause AIDS. You will

see later that there is also no evidence that any ‘virus’ causes any

disease or that there is even such a thing as a ‘virus’ in the way it is

said to exist. The claim to have ‘isolated’ the HIV ‘virus’ will be

presented in its real context as we come to the shocking story – and

it is a story – of SARS-CoV-2 and so will Montagnier’s assertion that

he identified the full SARS-CoV-2 genome.

Hoax in the making

We can pick up the ‘Covid’ story in 2010 and the publication by the

Rockefeller Foundation of a document called ‘Scenarios for the

Future of Technology and International Development’. The inner

circle of the Rockefeller family has been serving the Cult since John

D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) made his fortune with Standard Oil. It is

less well known that the same Rockefeller – the Bill Gates of his day

– was responsible for establishing what is now referred to as ‘Big

Pharma’, the global network of pharmaceutical companies that make

outrageous profits dispensing scalpel and drug ‘medicine’ and are

obsessed with pumping vaccines in ever-increasing number into as

many human arms and backsides as possible. John D. Rockefeller

was the driving force behind the creation of the ‘education’ system

in the United States and elsewhere specifically designed to program

the perceptions of generations therea er. The Rockefeller family

donated exceptionally valuable land in New York for the United

Nations building and were central in establishing the World Health

Organization in 1948 as an agency of the UN which was created

from the start as a Trojan horse and stalking horse for world

government. Now enter Bill Gates. His family and the Rockefellers

have long been extremely close and I have seen genealogy which

claims that if you go back far enough the two families fuse into the

same bloodline. Gates has said that the Bill and Melinda Gates

Foundation was inspired by the Rockefeller Foundation and why not

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