Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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its activity and shifts the balance of its competition with catastrophe factors. This

shift results in a tenfold increase in the dynamic instability of microtubules during

mitosis, a transition that is critical for the efficient construction of the mitotic

spindle (discussed in Chapter 17).

In many cells, the minus ends of microtubules are stabilized by association

with a capping protein or the centrosome, or else they serve as microtubule depolymerization

sites. The plus ends, in contrast, efficiently explore and probe the

entire cell space. Microtubule-associated proteins called plus-end tracking proteins

(+TIPs) accumulate at these active ends and appear to rocket around the cell

as passengers at the ends of rapidly growing microtubules, dissociating from the

ends when the microtubules begin to shrink (Figure 16–53).

The kinesin-related catastrophe factors and XMAP215 mentioned above

behave as +TIPs and act to modulate the growth and MBoC6 shrinkage m16.45/16.53 of the microtubule

end to which they are attached. Other +TIPs control microtubule positioning by

helping to capture and stabilize the growing microtubule end at specific cellular

targets, such as the cell cortex or the kinetochore of a mitotic chromosome.

EB1 and its relatives, small dimeric proteins that are highly conserved in animals,

plants, and fungi, are key players in this process. EB1 proteins do not actively

move toward plus ends, but rather recognize a structural feature of the growing

plus end (see Figure 16–53). Several of the +TIPs depend on EB1 proteins for their

plus-end accumulation and also interact with each other and with the microtubule

lattice. By attaching to the plus end, these factors allow the cell to harness the

energy of microtubule polymerization to generate pushing forces that can be used

for positioning the spindle, chromosomes, or organelles.

Tubulin-Sequestering and Microtubule-Severing Proteins

Destabilize Microtubules

As it does with actin monomers, the cell sequesters unpolymerized tubulin subunits

to maintain a pool of active subunits at a level near the critical concentration.

One molecule of the small protein stathmin (also called Op18) binds to two

tubulin heterodimers and prevents their addition to the ends of microtubules

(Figure 16–54). Stathmin thus decreases the effective concentration of tubulin

subunits that are available for polymerization (an action analogous to that of the

drug colchicine), and enhances the likelihood that a growing microtubule will

switch to the shrinking state. Phosphorylation of stathmin inhibits its binding to

tubulin, and signals that cause stathmin phosphorylation can increase the rate

of microtubule elongation and suppress dynamic instability. Stathmin has been

implicated in the regulation of both cell proliferation and cell death. Interestingly,

mice lacking stathmin develop normally but are less fearful than wild-type mice,

reflecting a role for stathmin in neurons of the amygdala, where it is normally

expressed at high levels.

Severing is another mechanism employed by the cell to destabilize microtubules.

To sever a microtubule, thirteen longitudinal bonds must be broken, one

for each protofilament. The protein katanin, named after the Japanese word for

Figure 16–53 +TIP proteins found at the

growing plus ends of microtubules.

(A) Frames from a fluorescence time-lapse

movie of the edge of a cell expressing

fluorescently labeled tubulin that incorporates

into microtubules (red) as well as the +TIP

protein EB1 tagged with a different color

(green). The same microtubule is marked

(asterisk) in successive movie frames. When

the microtubule is growing (frames 1, 2),

EB1 is associated with the tip. When the

microtubule undergoes a catastrophe and

begins shrinking, EB1 is lost (frames 3, 4).

The labeled EB1 is regained when growth

of the microtubule is rescued (frame 5).

See Movie 16.8. (B) In the fission yeast

Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the plus ends

of the microtubules (green) are associated

with the homolog of EB1 (red) at the two

poles of the rod-shaped cells. (A, courtesy

of Anna Akhmanova and Ilya Grigoriev;

B, courtesy of Takeshi Toda.)


tubulin dimer

2.5 nm

Figure 16–54 Sequestration of tubulin by

stathmin. Structural studies with electron

microscopy and crystallography suggest

that the elongated stathmin protein binds

along the side of two tubulin heterodimers.

(Adapted from M.O. Steinmetz et al.,

EMBO J. 19:572–580, 2000. With

permission MBoC6 from n16.204/16.54

John Wiley and Sons.)

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