Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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unseen realms which means almost all existence to the visual

processes of humans. I had concluded that this was indeed the

foundation of human control and that the Cult was operating within

the human frequency band on behalf of this hidden force when I

came across the writings of Gnostics which supported my

conclusions in the most extraordinary way.

A sealed earthen jar was found in 1945 near the town of Nag

Hammadi about 75-80 miles north of Luxor on the banks of the River

Nile in Egypt. Inside was a treasure trove of manuscripts and texts

le by the Gnostic people some 1,600 years earlier. They included 13

leather-bound papyrus codices (manuscripts) and more than 50 texts

wri en in Coptic Egyptian estimated to have been hidden in the jar

in the period of 400AD although the source of the information goes

back much further. Gnostics oversaw the Great or Royal Library of

Alexandria, the fantastic depository of ancient texts detailing

advanced knowledge and accounts of human history. The Library

was dismantled and destroyed in stages over a long period with the

death-blow delivered by the Cult-established Roman Church in the

period around 415AD. The Church of Rome was the Church of

Babylon relocated as I said earlier. Gnostics were not a race. They

were a way of perceiving reality. Whenever they established

themselves and their information circulated the terrorists of the

Church of Rome would target them for destruction. This happened

with the Great Library and with the Gnostic Cathars who were

burned to death by the psychopaths a er a long period of

oppression at the siege of the Castle of Monségur in southern France

in 1244. The Church has always been terrified of Gnostic information

which demolishes the official Christian narrative although there is

much in the Bible that supports the Gnostic view if you read it in

another way. To anyone studying the texts of what became known as

the Nag Hammadi Library it is clear that great swathes of Christian

and Biblical belief has its origin with Gnostics sources going back to

Sumer. Gnostic themes have been twisted to manipulate the

perceived reality of Bible believers. Biblical texts have been in the

open for centuries where they could be changed while Gnostic

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