Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Why China?

Scamming the world with a ‘virus’ that doesn’t exist would seem

impossible on the face of it, but not if you have control of the

relatively few people that make policy decisions and the great

majority of the global media. Remember it’s not about changing

‘real’ reality it’s about controlling perception of reality. You don’t have

to make something happen you only have make people believe that

it’s happening. Renegade Minds understand this and are therefore

much harder to swindle. ‘Covid-19’ is not a ‘real’ ‘virus’. It’s a mind

virus, like a computer virus, which has infected the minds, not the

bodies, of billions. It all started, publically at least, in China and that

alone is of central significance. The Cult was behind the revolution

led by its asset Mao Zedong, or Chairman Mao, which established

the People’s Republic of China on October 1st, 1949. It should have

been called The Cult’s Republic of China, but the name had to reflect

the recurring illusion that vicious dictatorships are run by and for

the people (see all the ‘Democratic Republics’ controlled by tyrants).

In the same way we have the ‘Biden’ Democratic Republic of

America officially ruled by a puppet tyrant (at least temporarily) on

behalf of Cult tyrants. The creation of Mao’s merciless

communist/fascist dictatorship was part of a frenzy of activity by the

Cult at the conclusion of World War Two which, like the First World

War, it had instigated through its assets in Germany, Britain, France,

the United States and elsewhere. Israel was formed in 1948; the

Soviet Union expanded its ‘Iron Curtain’ control, influence and

military power with the Warsaw Pact communist alliance in 1955;

the United Nations was formed in 1945 as a Cult precursor to world

government; and a long list of world bodies would be established

including the World Health Organization (1948), World Trade

Organization (1948 under another name until 1995), International

Monetary Fund (1945) and World Bank (1944). Human society was

redrawn and hugely centralised in the global Problem-Reaction-

Solution that was World War Two. All these changes were

significant. Israel would become the headquarters of the Sabbatians

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