Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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the PCR test ‘bullshit’ a er testing positive three times and being

forced to quarantine and miss matches when there was nothing

wrong with him. The mantra from Tedros at the World Health

Organization and national governments (same thing) has been test,

test, test. They know that the more tests they can generate the more

fake ‘cases’ they have which go on to become ‘deaths’ in ways I am

coming to. The UK government has its Operation Moonshot planned

to test multiple millions every day in workplaces and schools with

free tests for everyone to use twice a week at home in line with the

Cult plan from the start to make testing part of life. A government

advertisement for an ‘Interim Head of Asymptomatic Testing

Communication’ said the job included responsibility for delivering a

‘communications strategy’ (propaganda) ‘to support the expansion

of asymptomatic testing that ‘normalises testing as part of everyday life’.

More tests means more fake ‘cases’, ‘deaths’ and fascism. I have

heard of, and from, many people who booked a test, couldn’t turn

up, and yet got a positive result through the post for a test they’d

never even had. The whole thing is crazy, but for the Cult there’s

method in the madness. Controlling and manipulating the level of

amplification of the test means the authorities can control whenever

they want the number of apparent ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’. If they want

to justify more fascist lockdown and destruction of livelihoods they

keep the amplification high. If they want to give the illusion that

lockdowns and the ‘vaccine’ are working then they lower the

amplification and ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ will appear to fall. In January,

2021, the Cult-owned World Health Organization suddenly warned

laboratories about over-amplification of the test and to lower the

threshold. Suddenly headlines began appearing such as: ‘Why ARE

“Covid” cases plummeting?’ This was just when the vaccine rollout

was underway and I had predicted months before they would make

cases appear to fall through amplification tampering when the

‘vaccine’ came. These people are so predictable.

Cow vaccines?

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