Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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524 Chapter 8: Analyzing Cells, Molecules, and Systems

between randomly moving molecules, with each event resulting in changes in the

number of molecular species by integer amounts. The amplified effect of fluctuations

in a molecular reactant, or the compounded effects of fluctuations across

many molecular reactants, often accumulates as an observable phenotype. This

can endow a cell with individuality and generate non-genetic cell-to-cell variability

in a population.

Non-genetic variability can be studied in the laboratory by single-cell measurements

of fluorescent proteins expressed from genes under the control of a specific

promoter. Live cells can be mounted on a slide and viewed through a fluorescence

microscope, revealing the striking variability in protein expression levels (Figure

8–87). Another approach is to use flow cytometry, which works by streaming a

dilute suspension of cells past an illuminator and measuring the fluorescence of

individual cells as they flow past the detector (see Figure 8–2). Fluorescence values

can be used to build histograms that reveal the variability in a process across a

population of cells, with a broad histogram indicating higher variability.

Several Computational Approaches Can Be Used to Model the

Reactions in Cells

We have focused primarily on the use of ordinary differential equations to model

the dynamics of simple regulatory circuits. These models are called deterministic,

because they do not incorporate stochastic variability and will always produce

the same result from a specific set of parameters. As we have seen, such models

can provide useful insights, particularly in the detailed mechanistic analysis of

small regulatory circuits. However, other types of computational approaches are

also needed to comprehend the great complexity of cell behavior. Stochastic models,

for example, attempt to account for the very important problem of random

variability in molecular networks. These models do not provide deterministic predictions

about the behavior of molecules; instead, they incorporate random variation

into molecule numbers and interactions, and the purpose of these models

is to obtain a better understanding of the probability that a system will exist in a

certain state over time.

Numerous other modeling strategies have been or are being developed. Boolean

networks are used for the qualitative analysis of complex gene regulatory

networks containing large numbers of interacting components. In these models,

each molecule is a node that can exist in either the active or inactive state, thereby

affecting the state of the nodes it is linked to. Models of this sort provide insights

into the flow of information through a network, and they were useful in helping

us understand the complex gene regulatory network that controls the early development

of the sea urchin (see Figure 7–43). Boolean networks therefore reduce

complex networks to a highly simplified (and potentially inaccurate) form. At the

other extreme are agent-based simulations, in which thousands of molecules (or

“agents”) in a system are modeled individually, and their probable behaviors and

interactions with each other over time are calculated on the basis of predicted

physical and chemical behaviors, often while taking stochastic variation into

account. Agent-based approaches are computationally demanding but have the

potential to generate highly lifelike simulations of real biological systems.

Figure 8–87 Different levels of gene

expression in individual cells within a

population of E. coli bacteria. For this

experiment, two different reporter proteins

(one fluorescing green, the other red),

controlled by a copy of the same promoter,

have been introduced into all of the

bacteria. Some cells express only one gene

copy, and so appear either red or green,

while others express both gene copies,

and so appear yellow. This experiment

reveals variable levels of fluorescence,

indicating variable levels of gene expression

within an apparently uniform population of

cells. (From


M.B. Elowitz


et al., Science

297:1183–1186, 2002. With permission

from AAAS.)

Statistical Methods Are Critical For the Analysis of Biological Data

Dynamics, differential equations, and theoretical modeling are not the be-all and

end-all of mathematics. Other branches of the subject are no less important for

biologists. Statistics—the mathematics of probabilistic processes and noisy datasets—is

an inescapable part of every biologist’s life.

This is true in two main ways. First, imperfect measurement devices and other

errors generate experimental noise in our data. Second, all cell-biological processes

depend on the stochastic behavior of individual molecules, as we just discussed,

and this results in biological noise in our results. How, in the face of all

this noise, do we come to conclusions about the truth of hypotheses? The answer

is statistical analysis, which shows how to move from one level of description to

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