Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Contemptible and extreme child abuse is happening all over the

world as the Cult gender-fusion operation goes into warp-speed.

Why the war on men – and now women?

The question about what artificial wombs mean for women should

rightly be asked. The answer can be seen in the deletion of women’s

rights involving sport, changing rooms, toilets and status in favour

of people in male bodies claiming to identify as women. I can

identify as a mountain climber, but it doesn’t mean I can climb a

mountain any more than a biological man can be a biological

woman. To believe so is a triumph of belief over factual reality which

is the very perceptual basis of everything Woke. Women’s sport is

being destroyed by allowing those with male bodies who say they

identify as female to ‘compete’ with girls and women. Male body

‘women’ dominate ‘women’s’ competition with their greater muscle

mass, bone density, strength and speed. With that disadvantage

sport for women loses all meaning. To put this in perspective nearly

300 American high school boys can run faster than the quickest

woman sprinter in the world. Women are seeing their previously

protected spaces invaded by male bodies simply because they claim

to identify as women. That’s all they need to do to access all women’s

spaces and activities under the Biden ‘Equality Act’ that destroys

equality for women with the usual Orwellian Woke inversion. Male

sex offenders have already commi ed rapes in women’s prisons a er

claiming to identify as women to get them transferred. Does this not

ma er to the Woke ‘equality’ hypocrites? Not in the least. What

ma ers to Cult manipulators and funders behind transgender

activists is to advance gender fusion on the way to the no-gender

‘human’. When you are seeking to impose transparent nonsense like

this, or the ‘Covid’ hoax, the only way the nonsense can prevail is

through censorship and intimidation of dissenters, deletion of

factual information, and programming of the unquestioning,

bewildered and naive. You don’t have to scan the world for long to

see that all these things are happening.

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