Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1200 Chapter 21: Development of Multicellular Organisms

roof plate and

adjacent cells

secrete BMP and

Wnt proteins



floor plate and notochord

secrete Sonic hedgehog







spinal cord



lumen of

neural tube



roof plate

floor plate








groups of



Figure 21–69 A schematic cross section

of the spinal cord of a chick embryo,

showing how cells at different levels

along the dorsoventral axis acquire

different characters. (A) Signals that direct

the dorsoventral pattern. Sonic hedgehog

protein from the notochord and the floor

plate (the ventral midline of the neural

tube) and BMP and Wnt proteins from

the roof plate (the dorsal midline) act as

morphogens to control gene expression.

(B) The resulting patterns of cell fates

in the developing spinal cord. Different

groups of proliferating neural progenitor

cells (in the ventricular zone, close to

the lumen of the neural tube) and of

differentiating neurons (in the mantle zone,

further out) express different combinations

of transcription regulators. Neurons

expressing different transcription regulators

will form connections with different partners

and may make different combinations

of neurotransmitters and receptors.

Colors represent different cell types and

combinations of regulatory proteins.

Extracellular morphogen gradients, however, are not the only way to generate

cell diversity. As we saw earlier in our discussion of Drosophila neuroblasts (see

Figure 21–36), different cell types can also be generated by temporal patterning,

in which an intracellular program changes the character of a progenitor cell over

time, giving rise to different cell types as development progresses. This mechanism

also seems to operate in vertebrate neurogenesis. The most striking illustration

comes from study of another part of the CNS—the mammalian cerebral

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Although the cerebral cortex is the most complex structure in the human

body, it has a simple beginning—from the anterior neural tube. As in the spinal

cord, the cells that form the walls of the tube proliferate, and the neuroepithelium

thickens and expands as they divide. On a predictable schedule, the divisions

of the neuroepithelial cells begin to produce a succession of cells committed to

terminal differentiation as neurons. These future neurons are born close to the

lumen (the central cavity) of the tube. From here, they migrate outward, losing

attachment to the lumenal surface and crawling outward along neighboring cells

that continue to span the full thickness of the neuroepithelium. These latter neuroepithelial

cells do double duty, functioning as progenitors of neurons and glia,

and as supporters of the epithelial architecture. They become stretched out as

radial glial cells, forming a scaffold that continues to span the neuroepithelium

even as this grows to an enormous thickness (Figure 21–70). At the same time,

the radial glial cells continue to divide as neural precursors, giving rise to both

neurons and glial cells—new radial glial cells as well as glial cells of other types.

The newborn neurons, migrating along the radial glial cells, find their appropriate

resting places in the developing cortex, where they mature, and from these sites

they send out their axons and dendrites. The first-born neurons settle closest to

their birthplace near the lumen, while neurons born later crawl past them to settle

farther out (Figure 21–71). The successive generations of neurons thus build

up as a series of cortical layers, ordered by birthdate and endowed with different

intrinsic characters.

Strikingly, single cortical progenitor cells isolated in culture generate distinct

types of cortical neurons and glial cells, with the timing and characteristics appropriate

to specific cortical layers. These observations suggest that the neural progenitors

in the developing mammalian cortex, much like the Drosophila neuroblasts,

step through an intracellular developmental program that generates the

ordered succession of different nerve cell types.

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