Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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changes and that can only change by a change of perception which

becomes a change of behaviour. Where Gates is going does not bear

thinking about although perhaps that’s exactly where he wants to go.

Either way, that’s where he’s going. His frequency will make it so.

The frequency lair

I have been saying for a long time that a big part of the addiction to

smartphones and devices is that a frequency is coming off them that

entraps the mind. People spend ages on their phones and sometimes

even a minute or so a er they put them down they pick them up

again and it all repeats. ‘Covid’ lockdowns will have increased this

addiction a million times for obvious reasons. Addictions to alcohol

overindulgence and drugs are another way that Wetiko entraps

consciousness to a ach to its own. Both are symptoms of lowvibrational

psychological distress which alcoholism and drug

addiction further compound. Do we think it’s really a coincidence

that access to them is made so easy while potions that can take

people into realms beyond the simulation are banned and illegal? I

have explored smartphone addiction in other books, the scale is

mind-blowing, and that level of addiction does not come without

help. Tech companies that make these phones are Wetiko and they

will have no qualms about destroying the minds of children. We are

seeing again with these companies the Wetiko perceptual

combination of psychopathic enforcers and weak and meek

unquestioning compliance by the rank and file.

The global Smart Grid is the Wetiko Grid and it is crucial to

complete the Cult endgame. The simulation is radiation and we are

being deluged with technological radiation on a devastating scale.

Wetiko frauds like Elon Musk serve Cult interests while occasionally

criticising them to maintain his street-cred. 5G and other forms of

Wi-Fi are being directed at the earth from space on a volume and

scale that goes on increasing by the day. Elon Musk’s (officially)

SpaceX Starlink project is in the process of pu ing tens of thousands

of satellites in low orbit to cover every inch of the planet with 5G

and other Wi-Fi to create Kurzweil’s global ‘cloud’ to which the

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