Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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In this section, we focus mainly on the Golgi apparatus (also called the Golgi

complex). It is a major site of carbohydrate synthesis, as well as a sorting and dispatching

station for products of the ER. The cell makes many polysaccharides in

the Golgi apparatus, including the pectin and hemicellulose of the cell wall in

plants and most of the glycosaminoglycans of the extracellular matrix in animals

(discussed in Chapter 19). The Golgi apparatus also lies on the exit route from the

ER, and a large proportion of the carbohydrates that it makes are attached as oligosaccharide

side chains to the many proteins and lipids that the ER sends to it. A

subset of these oligosaccharide groups serve as tags to direct specific proteins into

vesicles that then transport them to lysosomes. But most proteins and lipids, once

they have acquired their appropriate oligosaccharides in the Golgi apparatus, are

recognized in other ways for targeting into the transport vesicles going to other


Proteins Leave the ER in COPII-Coated Transport Vesicles

To initiate their journey along the secretory pathway, proteins that have entered

the ER and are destined for the Golgi apparatus or beyond are first packaged into

COPII-coated transport vesicles. These vesicles bud from specialized regions of

the ER called ER exit sites, whose membrane lacks bound ribosomes. Most animal

cells have ER exit sites dispersed throughout the ER network.

Entry into vesicles that leave the ER can be a selective process or can happen by

default. Many membrane proteins are actively recruited into such vesicles, where

they become concentrated. These cargo membrane proteins display exit (transport)

signals on their cytosolic surface that adaptor proteins of the inner COPII

coat recognize (Figure 13–22); some of these components act as cargo receptors

and are recycled back to the ER after they have delivered their cargo to the Golgi

apparatus. Soluble cargo proteins in the ER lumen, by contrast, have exit signals

that attach them to transmembrane cargo receptors. Proteins without exit signals

can also enter transport vesicles, including protein molecules that normally function

in the ER (so-called ER resident proteins), some of which slowly leak out of

the ER and are delivered to the Golgi apparatus. Different cargo proteins enter the

transport vesicles with substantially different rates and efficiencies, which may

result from differences in their folding and oligomerization efficiencies and kinetics,

as well as the factors already discussed. The exit step from the ER is a major

checkpoint at which quality control is exerted on the proteins that a cell secretes

or displays on its surface, as we discussed in Chapter 12.

The exit signals that direct soluble proteins out of the ER for transport to the

Golgi apparatus and beyond are not well understood. Some transmembrane

proteins that serve as cargo receptors for packaging some secretory proteins into

COPII-coated vesicles are lectins that bind to oligosaccharides on the secreted

forming transport vesicle

outer COPII

coat proteins




ER protein

chaperone proteins bound to

unfolded or misfolded proteins



proteins of

inner COPII


exit signal on

cargo receptor

exit signal on

soluble cargo


Figure 13–22 The recruitment of

membrane and soluble cargo molecules

into ER transport vesicles. Membrane

proteins are packaged into budding

transport vesicles through interactions

of exit signals on their cytosolic tails with

adaptor proteins of the inner COPII coat.

Some of these membrane proteins function

as cargo receptors, binding soluble

proteins in the ER lumen and helping to

package them into vesicles. Other proteins

may enter the vesicle by bulk flow. A typical

50 nm transport vesicle contains about 200

membrane proteins, which can be of many

different types. As indicated, unfolded or

incompletely assembled proteins are bound

to chaperones and transiently retained in

the ER compartment.

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