Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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synthetic. You just manufacture the bits that are missing. This is the end result of the

geneticization of virology. This is basically a computer virus.

Further confirmation came in an email exchange between British

citizen journalist Frances Leader and the government’s Medicines &

Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (the Gates-funded MHRA)

which gave emergency permission for untested ‘Covid vaccines’ to

be used. The agency admi ed that the ‘vaccine’ is not based on an

isolated ‘virus’, but comes from a computer-generated model. Frances

Leader was naturally banned from Cult-owned fascist Twi er for

making this exchange public. The process of creating computergenerated

alleged ‘viruses’ is called ‘in silico’ or ‘in silicon’ –

computer chips – and the term ‘in silico’ is believed to originate with

biological experiments using only a computer in 1989. ‘Vaccines’

involved with ‘Covid’ are also produced ‘in silico’ or by computer

not a natural process. If the original ‘virus’ is nothing more than a

made-up computer model how can there be ‘new variants’ of

something that never existed in the first place? They are not new

‘variants’; they are new computer models only minutely different to

the original program and designed to further terrify the population

into having the ‘vaccine’ and submi ing to fascism. You want a ‘new

variant’? Click, click, enter – there you go. Tell the medical

profession that you have discovered a ‘South African variant’, ‘UK

variants’ or a ‘Brazilian variant’ and in the usual HIV-causes-AIDS

manner they will unquestioningly repeat it with no evidence

whatsoever to support these claims. They will go on television and

warn about the dangers of ‘new variants’ while doing nothing more

than repeating what they have been told to be true and knowing that

any deviation from that would be career suicide. Big-time insiders

will know it’s a hoax, but much of the medical community is clueless

about the way they are being played and themselves play the public

without even being aware they are doing so. What an interesting

‘coincidence’ that AstraZeneca and Oxford University were

conducting ‘Covid vaccine trials’ in the three countries – the UK,

South Africa and Brazil – where the first three ‘variants’ were

claimed to have ‘broken out’.

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