Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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which becomes behaviour which, collectively, becomes human

society. Cult-controlled and funded mainstream ‘science’ denies the

existence of an eternal ‘I’ and seeks to dismiss and trash all evidence

to the contrary. Cult-controlled mainstream religion has a version of

‘God’ that is li le more than a system of control and dictatorship

that employs threats of damnation in an a erlife to control

perceptions and behaviour in the here and now through fear and

guilt. Neither is true and it’s the ‘neither’ that the Cult wishes to

suppress. This ‘neither’ is that everything is an expression, a point of

a ention, within an infinite state of consciousness which is the real

meaning of the term ‘God’.

Perceptual obsession with the ‘physical body’ and five-senses

means that ‘God’ becomes personified as a bearded bloke si ing

among the clouds or a raging bully who loves us if we do what ‘he’

wants and condemns us to the fires of hell if we don’t. These are no

more than a ‘spiritual’ fairy tales to control and dictate events and

behaviour through fear of this ‘God’ which has bizarrely made ‘Godfearing’

in religious circles a state to be desired. I would suggest that

fearing anything is not to be encouraged and celebrated, but rather

deleted. You can see why ‘God fearing’ is so beneficial to the Cult

and its religions when they decide what ‘God’ wants and what ‘God’

demands (the Cult demands) that everyone do. As the great

American comedian Bill Hicks said satirising a Christian zealot: ‘I

think what God meant to say.’ How much of this infinite awareness

(‘God’) that we access is decided by how far we choose to expand

our perceptions, self-identity and sense of the possible. The scale of

self-identity reflects itself in the scale of awareness that we can

connect with and are influenced by – how much knowing and

insight we have instead of programmed perception. You cannot

expand your awareness into the infinity of possibility when you

believe that you are li le me Peter the postman or Mary in marketing

and nothing more. I’ll deal with this in the concluding chapter

because it’s crucial to how we turnaround current events.

Where the Cult came from

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