Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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stupendously inverted that it claims we must urgently reduce

carbon dioxide when we don’t have enough.

Co2 in the atmosphere is a li le above 400 parts per million when

the optimum for plant growth is 2,000 ppm and when it falls

anywhere near 150 ppm the natural world starts to die and so do we.

It fell to as low as 280 ppm in an 1880 measurement in Hawaii and

rose to 413 ppm in 2019 with industrialisation which is why the

planet has become greener in the industrial period. How insane then

that psychopathic madman Gates is not satisfied only with blocking

the rise of Co2. He’s funding technology to suck it out of the

atmosphere. The reason why will become clear. The industrial era is

not destroying the world through Co2 and has instead turned

around a potentially disastrous ongoing fall in Co2. Greenpeace cofounder

and scientist Patrick Moore walked away from Greenpeace

in 1986 and has exposed the green movement for fear-mongering

and lies. He said that 500 million years ago there was 17 times more

Co2 in the atmosphere than we have today and levels have been

falling for hundreds of millions of years. In the last 150 million years

Co2 levels in Earth’s atmosphere had reduced by 90 percent. Moore

said that by the time humanity began to unlock carbon dioxide from

fossil fuels we were at ‘38 seconds to midnight’ and in that sense:

‘Humans are [the Earth’s] salvation.’ Moore made the point that only

half the Co2 emi ed by fossil fuels stays in the atmosphere and we

should remember that all pollution pouring from chimneys that we

are told is carbon dioxide is in fact nothing of the kind. It’s pollution.

Carbon dioxide is an invisible gas.

William Happer, Professor of Physics at Princeton University and

long-time government adviser on climate, has emphasised the Co2

deficiency for maximum growth and food production. Greenhouse

growers don’t add carbon dioxide for a bit of fun. He said that most

of the warming in the last 100 years, a er the earth emerged from

the super-cold period of the ‘Li le Ice Age’ into a natural warming

cycle, was over by 1940. Happer said that a peak year for warming in

1988 can be explained by a ‘monster El Nino’ which is a natural and

cyclical warming of the Pacific that has nothing to do with ‘climate

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