Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1244 Chapter 22: Stem Cells and Tissue Renewal

The stepwise nature of commitment means that the hematopoietic system can

be viewed as a hierarchical family tree of cells. Multipotent stem cells give rise

to committed progenitor cells, which are specified to give rise to only one or a

few blood cell types. The committed progenitors divide rapidly, but only a limited

number of times, before they terminally differentiate into cells that divide no further

and die after several days or weeks. Figure 22–31 depicts the hematopoietic

family tree. It should be noted, however, that variations are thought to occur: not

all stem cells generate the identical patterns of progeny via precisely the same

sequence of steps.

Stem Cells Depend on Contact Signals From Stromal Cells

Like the stem cells of other tissues, hematopoietic stem cells depend on signals

from their niche, in this case created by the specialized connective tissue of the

bone marrow. (This is the site in adult humans; during development, and in nonhuman

mammals such as the mouse, hematopoietic stem cells can also make

their home in other tissues—notably liver and spleen.) When they lose contact

with their niche, the hematopoietic stem cells tend to lose their stem-cell potential

(Figure 22–32). Evidently the loss of potency is not absolute or instantaneous,

however, since the stem cells can still survive journeys via the bloodstream to colonize

other sites in the body.

Factors That Regulate Hematopoiesis Can Be Analyzed in Culture

While the stem cells depend on contact with bone marrow stromal cells for longterm

maintenance, their committed progeny do not, or at least not to the same

degree. These cells can thus be dispersed and cultured in a semisolid matrix of

dilute agar or methylcellulose, and factors derived from other cells can be added

artificially to the medium. The semisolid matrix inhibits migration, so that the

progeny of each isolated precursor cell remain together as an easily distinguishable

colony. A single committed neutrophil progenitor, for example, may give rise

to a clone of thousands of neutrophils. Such culture systems have provided a way

to assay for the factors that support hematopoiesis and hence to purify them and

explore their actions. These substances are glycoproteins and are usually called

colony-stimulating factors (CSFs). Some of these factors circulate in the blood

and act as hormones, while others act in the bone marrow as secreted local mediators;

still others take the form of membrane-bound signals that act through cell–

cell contact.

An important example of the latter is a protein called Steel or Stem Cell Factor

(SCF ). This is expressed both in the bone marrow stroma (where it helps to

define the stem-cell niche) and along pathways of migration, and it occurs both

in a membrane-bound and a soluble form. It binds to a receptor tyrosine kinase

called Kit, and it is required during development for guidance and survival not

only of hematopoietic cells but also of other migratory cell types—specifically,

germ cells and pigment cells.





stem cell













stem cell





Figure 22–32 Dependence of

hematopoietic stem cells on contact

with stromal cells. The contact-dependent

interaction between the Kit receptor

and its MBoC6 ligand m23.43/22.32

is one of several signaling

mechanisms thought to be involved in

hematopoietic stem-cell maintenance.

The real system is certainly more

complex. Moreover, the dependence of

hematopoietic cells on contact with stromal

cells cannot be absolute, since small

numbers of the functional stem cells can be

found free in the circulation. SCF, stem-cell


Erythropoiesis Depends on the Hormone Erythropoietin

The best understood of the CSFs that act as hormones is the glycoprotein erythropoietin,

which is produced in the kidneys and regulates erythropoiesis, the formation

of red blood cells, to which we now turn.

The erythrocyte is by far the most common type of cell in the blood (see Table

22–1). When mature, it is packed full of hemoglobin and contains hardly any of

the usual cell organelles. In an erythrocyte of an adult mammal, even the nucleus,

endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and ribosomes are absent, having been

extruded from the cell in the course of its development (Figure 22–33). The erythrocyte

therefore cannot grow or divide, and it has a limited life-span—about 120

days in humans or 55 days in mice. Worn-out erythrocytes are phagocytosed and

digested by macrophages in the liver and spleen, which remove more than 10 11

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