Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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possibility that VOC B.1.1.7 is associated with an increased risk of

death compared to non-VOC viruses’. Fear, fear, fear, get the

vaccine, fear, fear, fear, get the vaccine. Rosemary Frei reveals that

almost all the paper’s authors and members of the modelling centre’s

‘Covid-19’ Working Group receive funding from the Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation and/or the associated Gates-funded

Wellcome Trust. The paper was published by e-journal Medr χiv

which only publishes papers not peer-reviewed and the journal was

established by an organisation headed by Facebook’s Mark

Zuckerberg and his missus. What a small world it is. Frei discovered

that Edmunds is on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Coalition for

Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) which was established

by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Klaus Schwab’s Davos

World Economic Forum and Big Pharma giant Wellcome. CEPI was

‘launched in Davos [in 2017] to develop vaccines to stop future

epidemics’, according to its website. ‘Our mission is to accelerate the

development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and

enable equitable access to these vaccines for people during

outbreaks.’ What kind people they are. Rosemary Frei reveals that

Public Health England (PHE) director Susan Hopkins is an author of

her organisation’s non-peer-reviewed reports on ‘new variants’.

Hopkins is a professor of infectious diseases at London’s Imperial

College which is gi ed tens of millions of dollars a year by the Bill

and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates-funded modelling disaster

Neil Ferguson also co-authors Public Health England reports and he

spoke in December, 2020, about the potential danger of the B.1.1.7.

‘UK variant’ promoted by Gates-funded modeller John Edmunds.

When I come to the ‘Covid vaccines’ the ‘new variants’ will be

shown for what they are – bollocks.

Connections, connections

All these people and modellers are lockdown-obsessed or, put

another way, they demand what the Cult demands. Edmunds said in

January, 2021, that to ease lockdowns too soon would be a disaster

and they had to ‘vaccinate much, much, much more widely than the

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