Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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416 Chapter 7: Control of Gene Expression

but very common in flies. Budding yeast has ≈6200 genes, only about 300 of which

are subject to splicing, and nearly all of these have only a single intron. To say that

flies have only 2–3 times as many genes as yeasts greatly underestimates the difference

in complexity of these two genomes.

In some cases, alternative RNA splicing occurs because there is an intron

sequence ambiguity: the standard spliceosome mechanism for removing intron

sequences (discussed in Chapter 6) is unable to distinguish clearly between two

or more alternative pairings of 5ʹ and 3ʹ splice sites, so that different choices are

made by chance on different individual transcripts. Where such constitutive alternative

splicing occurs, several versions of the protein encoded by the gene are

made in all cells in which the gene is expressed.

In many cases, however, alternative RNA splicing is regulated. In the simplest

examples, regulated splicing is used to switch from the production of a nonfunctional

protein to the production of a functional one (or the other way around).

The transposase that catalyzes the transposition of the Drosophila P element,

for example, is produced in a functional form in germ cells and a nonfunctional

form in somatic cells of the fly, allowing the P element to spread throughout the

genome of the fly without causing damage in somatic cells (see Figure 5–61). The

difference in transposon activity has been traced to the presence of an intron

sequence in the transposase RNA that is removed only in germ cells.

In addition to enabling switching from the production of a functional protein

to the production of a nonfunctional one (or vice versa), the regulation of RNA

splicing can generate different versions of a protein in different cell types, according

to the needs of the cell. Tropomyosin, for example, is produced in specialized

forms in different types of cells (see Figure 6–26). Cell-type-specific forms of many

other proteins are produced in the same way.

RNA splicing can be regulated either negatively, by a regulatory molecule that

prevents the splicing machinery from gaining access to a particular splice site

on the RNA, or positively, by a regulatory molecule that helps direct the splicing

machinery to an otherwise overlooked splice site (Figure 7–58).

Because of the plasticity of RNA splicing, the blocking of a “strong” splicing

site will often expose a “weak” site and result in a different pattern of splicing.

Thus, the splicing of a pre-mRNA molecule can be thought of as a delicate balance

between competing splice sites—a balance that can easily be tipped by effects on

splicing of regulatory proteins.

The Definition of a Gene Has Been Modified Since the Discovery

of Alternative RNA Splicing

The discovery that eukaryotic genes usually contain introns and that their coding

sequences can be assembled in more than one way raised new questions about

the definition of a gene. A gene was first clearly defined in molecular terms in

the early 1940s from work on the biochemical genetics of the fungus Neurospora.





pre-mRNA transcript


pre-mRNA transcript












Figure 7–58 Negative and positive

control of alternative RNA splicing.

(A) In negative control, a repressor protein

binds to a specific sequence in the premRNA

transcript and blocks access of

the splicing machinery to a splice junction.

This often results in the use of a secondary

splice site, thereby producing an altered

pattern of splicing (see Figure 7–56).

(B) In positive control, the splicing

machinery is unable to remove a particular

intron sequence efficiently without

assistance from an activator protein.

Because RNA is flexible, the nucleotide

sequences that bind these activators can

be located many nucleotide pairs from

the splice junctions they control, and they

are often called splicing enhancers, by

analogy with the transcriptional enhancers

mentioned earlier in this chapter.

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