Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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would find with a computer simulation. They also made the point

that a simulation would create its own ‘laws of physics’ that would

limit possibility. I’ve been making the same point for decades that

the perceived laws of physics relate only to this reality, or what I

would later call the simulation. When designers write codes to create

computer and virtual reality games they are the equivalent of the

laws of physics for that game. Players interact within the limitations

laid out by the coding. In the same way those who wrote the codes

for the simulation decided the laws of physics that would apply.

These can be overridden by expanded states of consciousness, but

not by those enslaved in only five-sense awareness where simulation

codes rule. Overriding the codes is what people call ‘miracles’. They

are not. They are bypassing the encoded limits of the simulation. A

population caught in simulation perception would have no idea that

this was their plight. As the Bonn paper said: ‘Like a prisoner in a

pitch-black cell we would not be able to see the “walls” of our

prison,’ That’s true if people remain mesmerised by the five senses.

Open to expanded awareness and those walls become very clear. The

main one is the speed of light.

American theoretical physicist James Gates is another who has

explored the simulation question and found considerable evidence

to support the idea. Gates was Professor of Physics at the University

of Maryland, Director of The Center for String and Particle Theory,

and on Barack Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and

Technology. He and his team found computer codes of digital data

embedded in the fabric of our reality. They relate to on-off electrical

charges of 1 and 0 in the binary system used by computers. ‘We have

no idea what they are doing there’, Gates said. They found within

the energetic fabric mathematical sequences known as errorcorrecting

codes or block codes that ‘reboot’ data to its original state

or ‘default se ings’ when something knocks it out of sync. Gates was

asked if he had found a set of equations embedded in our reality

indistinguishable from those that drive search engines and browsers

and he said: ‘That is correct.’ Rich Terrile, director of the Centre for

Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet

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