Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Figure 21–67 The complex organization of nerve cell connections. This

drawing depicts a section through a small part of a mammalian brain—the

olfactory bulb of a dog—stained by the Golgi technique. The black objects

are neurons; the thin lines are axons and dendrites, through which the various

sets of neurons are interconnected according to precise rules. (From

C. Golgi, Riv. sper. freniat. Reggio-Emilia 1:405–425, 1875.)

(Figure 21–68). At all stages, neurons are in intimate contact with various types of

non-neuronal supporting cells—the glial cells.

Neurons Are Assigned Different Characters According to the Time

and Place of Their Birth

We start our account here with the first phase of neural development: the generation

of neural progenitors and their differentiation into hundreds of different

neuronal subtypes, along with a much smaller number of glial types. Although the

nervous system is exceptional in the extent of cell diversity, the process depends

on the same principles that generate different cell types in other organs. We have

already discussed some of the underlying machinery in the developing Drosophila

nervous system. We turn now to vertebrates.

The vertebrate spinal cord, the brain, and the retina of the eye together constitute

the central nervous system (CNS). They all originate as parts of the neural

tube, whose formation was described earlier (see Figure 21–56). The brain and

eyes develop from the anterior neural tube and the spinal cord from the posterior.

The developmental anatomy is seen at its simplest in the spinal cord. As it

develops, the epithelium forming the walls of the posterior neural tube becomes

enormously thickened as the cells proliferate and differentiate, creating a highly

organized structure of neurons and glial cells, surrounding a small central channel.

Bands of neurons with different future functions—and expressing different

genes—are laid out along the dorsoventral axis of the tube. Motor neurons (those

that control the muscles) are located ventrally, whereas neurons that process sensory

information are found dorsally. This pattern is established by opposing gradients

of morphogens. These are secreted by specialized groups of cells that run the

length of the ventral and dorsal midlines of the neural tube (Figure 21–69). The

two morphogen gradients—consisting of Sonic hedgehog protein from the ventral

source and BMP and Wnt from the dorsal source—help induce different groups

of proliferating neural progenitor cells and differentiating neurons to express different

combinations of transcription regulators. These regulators in turn drive the

production of different combinations of neurotransmitters, receptors, cell–cell

adhesion proteins, and other molecules, creating terminally differentiated neurons

that will form synaptic connections selectively with the right partners and

exchange appropriate signals with them.

Figure 21–68 The four phases of neural


genesis of neurons

outgrowth of axons and dendrites

synapse formation

refinement of synaptic connections

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neural progenitors

target cells

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