Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Figure 4–7 The nucleotide sequence of the human β-globin gene. By

convention, a nucleotide sequence is written from its 5ʹ end to its 3ʹ end,

and it should be read from left to right in successive lines down the page as

though it were normal English text. This gene carries the information for the

amino acid sequence of one of the two types of subunits of the hemoglobin

molecule; a different gene, the α-globin gene, carries the information for the

other. (Hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in the blood, has four

subunits, two of each type.) Only one of the two strands of the DNA double

helix containing the β-globin gene is shown; the other strand has the exact

complementary sequence. The DNA sequences highlighted in yellow show

the three regions of the gene that specify the amino acid sequence for the

β-globin protein. We shall see in Chapter 6 how the cell splices these three

sequences together at the level of messenger RNA in order to synthesize a

full-length β-globin protein.

bilayer membranes (Figure 4–9). These membranes are punctured at intervals

by large nuclear pores, through which molecules move between the nucleus and

the cytosol. The nuclear envelope is directly connected to the extensive system

of intracellular membranes called the endoplasmic reticulum, which extend out

from it into the cytoplasm. And it is mechanically supported by a network of intermediate

filaments called the nuclear lamina—a thin feltlike mesh just beneath

the inner nuclear membrane (see Figure 4–9B).

The nuclear envelope allows the many proteins that act on DNA to be concentrated

where they are needed in the cell, and, as we see in subsequent chapters, it

also keeps nuclear and cytosolic enzymes separate, a feature that is crucial for the

proper functioning of eukaryotic cells.


Genetic information is carried in the linear sequence of nucleotides in DNA. Each

molecule of DNA is a double helix formed from two complementary antiparallel

strands of nucleotides held together by hydrogen bonds between G-C and A-T base

pairs. Duplication of the genetic information occurs by the use of one DNA strand

as a template for the formation of a complementary strand. The genetic information

stored in an organism’s DNA contains the instructions for all the RNA molecules and

proteins that the organism will ever synthesize and is said to comprise its genome.

In eukaryotes, DNA is contained in the cell nucleus, a large membrane-bound compartment.

Chromosomal DNA and Its Packaging in the

Chromatin Fiber

The most important function of DNA is to carry genes, the information that specifies

all the RNA molecules and proteins that make up an organism—including

information about when, in what types of cells, and in what quantity each RNA

molecule and protein is to be made. The nuclear DNA of eukaryotes is divided up

into chromosomes, and in this section we see how genes are typically arranged on

each chromosome. In addition, we describe the specialized DNA sequences that

are required for a chromosome to be accurately duplicated as a separate entity

and passed on from one generation to the next.

We also confront the serious challenge of DNA packaging. If the double helices

comprising all 46 chromosomes in a human cell could be laid end to end, they

would reach approximately 2 meters; yet the nucleus, which contains the DNA, is

only about 6 μm in diameter. This is geometrically equivalent to packing 40 km (24

miles) of extremely fine thread into a tennis ball. The complex task of packaging

DNA is accomplished by specialized proteins that bind to the DNA and fold it,

generating a series of organized coils and loops that provide increasingly higher

levels of organization, and prevent the DNA from becoming an unmanageable

tangle. Amazingly, although the DNA is very tightly compacted, it nevertheless

remains accessible to the many enzymes in the cell that replicate it, repair it, and

use its genes to produce RNA molecules and proteins.

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