Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Table 1–2 Some Model Organisms and Their Genomes


Genome size*

(nucleotide pairs)

Approximate number

of genes

Escherichia coli (bacterium) 4.6 × 10 6 4300

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) 13 × 10 6 6600

Caenorhabditis elegans


130 × 10 6 21,000

Arabidopsis thaliana (plant) 220 × 10 6 29,000

Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) 200 × 10 6 15,000

Danio rerio (zebrafish) 1400 × 10 6 32,000

Mus musculus (mouse) 2800 × 10 6 30,000

Homo sapiens (human) 3200 × 10 6 30,000

*Genome size includes an estimate for the amount of highly repeated DNA sequence not in

genome databases.

many genes, and a great deal more noncoding DNA (~98.5% of the genome for a

human does not code for proteins, as opposed to 11% of the genome for the bacterium

E. coli). The estimated genome sizes and gene numbers for some eukaryotes

are compiled for easy comparison with E. coli in Table 1–2; we shall discuss how

each of these eukaryotes serves as a model organism shortly.

Eukaryotic Genomes Are Rich in Regulatory DNA

Much of our noncoding DNA is almost certainly dispensable junk, retained like

a mass of old papers because, when there is little pressure to keep an archive

small, it is easier to retain everything than to sort out the valuable information

and discard the rest. Certain exceptional eukaryotic species, such as the puffer

fish, bear witness to the profligacy of their relatives; they have somehow managed

to rid themselves of large quantities of noncoding DNA. Yet they appear similar in

structure, behavior, and fitness to related species that have vastly more such DNA

(see Figure 4–71).

Even in compact eukaryotic genomes such as that of puffer fish, there is more

noncoding DNA than coding DNA, and at least some of the noncoding DNA certainly

has important functions. In particular, it regulates the expression of adjacent

genes. With this regulatory DNA, eukaryotes have evolved distinctive ways of

controlling when and where a gene is brought into play. This sophisticated gene

regulation is crucial for the formation of complex multicellular organisms.

The Genome Defines the Program of Multicellular Development

The cells in an individual animal or plant are extraordinarily varied. Fat cells, skin

cells, bone cells, nerve cells—they seem as dissimilar as any cells could be (Figure

1–33). Yet all these cell types are the descendants of a single fertilized egg cell, and

all (with minor exceptions) contain identical copies of the genome of the species.

The differences result from the way in which the cells make selective use of

their genetic instructions according to the cues they get from their surroundings

in the developing embryo. The DNA is not just a shopping list specifying the molecules

that every cell must have, and the cell is not an assembly of all the items

on the list. Rather, the cell behaves as a multipurpose machine, with sensors to

receive environmental signals and with highly developed abilities to call different

sets of genes into action according to the sequences of signals to which the cell

has been exposed. The genome in each cell is big enough to accommodate the



25 µm

Figure 1–33 Cell types can vary

enormously in size and shape. An

animal nerve cell is compared here with a

neutrophil, a type of white blood cell. Both

are drawn to scale.

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